Page 92 of The SnowFang Secret

Damn. She was good.Muchbetter than those GranitePaw “enforcers” who couldn’t have enforced the dinner line at a retirement home.

I ducked a punch, got in a hook with one leg, and blocked another shot before managing to somehow buck her off. She got to her feet, and I squirmed away before rolling to mine, but she shot in. I tried to sprawl, but she tossed me again. This time I was ready (sort of) for it and managed to bring her with me. She smashed me with an elbow. I punched her square in the face. Blood splattered. One of us was bleeding.

“Stupid, stupid,” Marcella growled before she grabbed me by the hair, snapped up her hip, and booted me right in my scar.

Pain exploded through my torso.

She tossed me off her and flattened me again, straddling my hips and sliding hooks under my thighs. She grabbed my hair again and yanked my head back to expose my throat. She was bleeding from the nose and a split lip, but the scent coming off her was violence and glee. “Submit.”

I snarled and punched her in the tit.

She rewarded me with an elbow directly to the face. I twisted, and it split my cheek instead. I eyed her over my stretched throat. “No.”

I wasnevergiving my throat to anyone not named Sterling again. I’d been bent like that for FrostFur, by that wolf in Clare, by fucking Searle,no fucking way.

A violent shiver went over my body and everything blanked into dark, furious rage.

Marcella suddenly released my hair.

The blank rage fled with it, and was replaced by something cold and prickly. I shivered.

“I’ve made my point,” Marcella told me, tone caustic, except she delivered a final knee to my left kidney thatexplodedin pain that flattened me to the floor.

Demetrius offered her a hand. Her pups clustered together at a safe distance.

I got to my feet more slowly, side aching and throbbing. I was going to pee blood for a few days.

Someone brought Marcella a dishtowel for her nose. Demetrius looked at it for a second. “That is broken.”

“Not the first nor last time I’ve had to train a bitch.” Marcella’s normally calm, composed voice had a seductive predatory edge to it.

I clicked my teeth to indicate I had not, in fact, learned a damn thing, and was still an ill-tempered feral bitch.

Demetrius side-eyed me, and then he growled. A low, distinctive growl that ripped up and down my spine.

I’d been banished for the evening. I wasn’t even allowed to sit at the dinner table and not eat. Or take a plate and eat it somewhere else.

Most of me welcomed it with feral glee, like the scalding sweetness of candle wax.

Emily, quietly, said, “Alpha.”

Demetrius pinned her with ayou can go with her if you wantstare. Emily fell silent.

“Alpha,” Tim offered next. “She’s clearly looking for a fight, not looking to—”

Demetrius gave him a low growl.

There wasn’t much worse punishment they could mete out, and they were in too deep with Sterling to back out, and Searle wasn’t even here, so I got to set myself on fire and not him. “I said what I said. If that means I get bloody and go hungry because you don’t want to have to explain anything to the other Elders, then I’ll enjoy going hungry and getting bloody.”

Searle was,as expected,furious.

I’d cleaned myself up in the bathroom. Luckily, he’d had a solid first aid kit under the sink, and this time my eyes weren’t swollen shut so I’d been able to take inventory. Marcella had split my cheek with her elbow, and I had a cut above one eye, but overall, minor damage. I’d used some wound glue on the two cuts and laid down on the bed. My sidehurtbad enough breathing sucked.

I reminded myself of the coordinates to the island while I hugged a pillow between my breasts.

Searle pushed the bedroom door open and slammed it behind him. He smelled of the feed mill and sunlight and general pissed-off-ness. “I do not believe you.”

Nice opener. “To be fair, she hit me first.”