“I’m not sure I’d use those two words to describe him, but maybe I’ve a high tolerance for overbearing and belligerent males.”
“You just confirmed he’s an intimate partner. Not that I have any opinion whatsoever on that arrangement.”
“He thinks he’s going to get a chance with me.”
“Does he?”
“Let’s say I’m the pot, everyone’s gone all in, and Sterling doesn’t have the best hand.”
“Are these people in league with the ones in Alaska?”
“No, they’re in business for themselves. Unless they also are in business with the ones in New York and are working on a double cross, which is adistinctpossibility.”
“So why are they fighting over you when your death has been faked? You’re dead, aren’t you?”
“Exactly. Their plan involves this hair dye and Searle on a going-forward basis. It’s either a shockingly bad plan or a set-up.”
“Any plan that you can purchase off the shelf is, in fact, a terrible plan.”
Winter [Sterling]
About to get on the plane.
Already at the condo. I have a gift for you.
Winter [Sterling]
You, naked, and a bottle of liquor?
That’s THREE gifts.
Winter [Sterling]
So is a cock and two balls, technically. Unless you’ve had an injury I haven’t heard about.
So now you’re asking for SIX gifts.
Winter [Sterling]
Technically, you + naked = 1 gift, since we’re all naked under our clothes. I was giving you a chance at extra credit, since I don’t grade on a curve.
So me not dressing is lack of effort?
Winter [Sterling]
I didn’t say that.
I think you did.