“My mother chooses to stay with my father, even though her mate apparently begs for her to come back to him.”
Right. Because Cerys and I hadanythingof a similar situation. “How many punches to the head have you taken recently?”
Sterling’s scent became more troubled, almost like a metallic burning and ozone. He looked down, even if there wasn’t enough light to see, and placed his hand over my ribs, feeling around for the large, ugly scar on my side. I held still while his fingers felt for it. There was a strangedon’t touchstill around the injury. The skin itself was mostly numb from all the damaged nerves.
This wasnotthe time for Sterling to find his breaking point and decide he couldn’t handle this. I poked his chest. “You don’t have to beat Alan. You just have to make him quit.”
His hazel eyes were the brightest thing about his face. “You know what I am saying.”
“Sure do. That you’ve been bounced repeatedly on your head. I can deal with Searle a few more months. I don’tlikeit, and I’m notenjoyingmyself, but I think if I told you I was enjoying myself, you’d find a way to worry over that too.”
“There’s also no plan for if I prevail. We have no pack to go back to.”
But we did have a condo in relatively werewolf-free Florida, a house in Seattle, and the finances to buy a private island fortress. We’d also discussed the possibility of abdicating anyway. “I’mthe one who got captured and silvered. I signed your death warrant. Plenty of guilt we can argue about.Later.”
“As I seem to recall,Iam the one who challenged Alan. Which reminds me, did you open the scrolls you found in Alaska?”
Thosefuckingscrolls. “I did, and I wish we’d never bothered. It’s a bunch of dangerous information that Mom didn’t bring to light while she was alive. Not sure what she thought I’d do with it, not that it matters, because everyone involved isdead. Even me, officially.”
His grip clenched down and he yanked me hard and close against him. He closed his teeth over the side of my neck and growled, working his teeth into my skin lightly. “You won’t die. I will notletyou die.”
“Then remind me how alive I am.”
He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my chin up, then kissed my windpipe. I instantly whimpered in submission, my whole body softening and dampening for him. He trailed his tongue along my throat, and my nerves tingled and fluttered, cascading down into his embrace.
He kissed under my jaw, one side, then the other, before kissing my lips, offering me the tip of his tongue. His cock pressed up between my thighs, grazing my wetness. I brushed his tongue with mine, parting my lips with obedience that rewarded me with a painful shiver up and down my spine. His tongue slid along mine and made me, silently, beg for something else of his to slide into me.
He raked his teeth along my lower lip. “Turn around.”
I obeyed, sliding off his thighs onto my own knees, then turning around on all fours in the darkness. He moved behind me like an indistinct shadow, and ran his rough palm down my spine. My fingers pressed into the damp forest floor. He felt along my hips and thighs, pushing slightly to widen my stance before moving behind me, always one hand on me, owning me, tracking, knowing. The cool brush of late spring night raced along my exposed body, informing me how wet I was.
His cock slid along me. I breathed out, and he breathed in, deeply, before raking his fingers down my spine once more, then he shifted, and his body slid inside mine while his fingers dug into my hips, pinning me on his length.
I gasped and arched upwards, then mewled as he sank deep and held me there for several long, sense-searing seconds. Emotions and half-formed thoughts ran through my mind. How much I missed him, how right this was, howwrongSearle was, and a thousand other things, but the overwhelming part of all of it was the way joy and perfection andcompletionslit me open and laid me bare.
I dropped to my elbows and bit down a cry as he moved inside me.
His was breathing like the beast from the dream where he’d been the scales of flesh. My nerves sang, and I rasped, “Harder.”
His fingers dug into my hip and the breeze brushed his scent to me: fierce, feral,lust. Another harsh stroke that rattled my jaw and sent a crush of pleasure through my body. I clenched my teeth against a cry and whimpered around the fierce grip he had, then laughed breathlessly as he abruptly shoved me into the forest floor with a hand between my shoulders.
I cried out as his cock raked an orgasm from me, pulling each nerve and fiber with it until it sang, and I saw stars and it wasn’t the crackling of leaves that made me go deaf for a second. Every part of mesearedlike it was trying to melt Sterling’s body into mine.
He moved inside me a few more moments, deep, fierce thrusts that yanked shocks of sweet pain from my dancing nerves while my pussy stroked him, and then he sank deep a final time, silent except for the rush of his breathing.
I sagged into the dirt.
He rocked back, pulling me (and some dirt and leaves) with him, so that my back was against his chest and I knelt over his thighs and his body was still inside mine. He twitched and groaned against my neck, holding me with one hand between my breasts and one over my belly. Fluids dripped between our conjoined bodies.
I breathed hard, head back against his shoulder, and looked up at the stars through the trees.
“Mine,” he murmured.
“Yours,” I agreed, breathless and a bit dizzy.
He kissed a light chain along my collarbone, then brushed some of the debris from my hair.
I twisted around to kiss him, grateful and relieved and pulsing with something like pleasure’s godly cousin.