Page 138 of The SnowFang Secret

The next page stripped FrostFur of the ability to petition for Elder elevation for twenty-five years, and the pack had been cast down in disgrace for violations of the Fifth Law.

The third scroll made me smile.

Let it be known before Gaia and all wolves:

Sterling, son of Lone Wolf Cerys and previously with no acknowledged sire, is recognized as the legitimate offspring of Malte of FrostFangare, born under blessed stars, although is recognized as the son of Garrett, Privileged Human.

The Chronicler shall commit all facts related to this matter to the record.

And that had been signed, more or less, by all the Elder Packs.

“Born under blessed stars?” Jun asked Cye. “La-de-da.”

“It’s just a fancy way of saying Malte is Cerys’ true mate,” Cye said.

Burian made a rude gesture.

“Lots of housekeeping,” I said. “And look at that, Garrett is maintaining his human privilege. I was sure they were going to take that away.”

“He’d probably get a laugh out of it if they did.” Sterling took the page involving him.

The next page made me chew on one of my acrylics and re-read it four or five times.

“Winter?” Cye asked softly.

Let it be known before Gaia and all wolves:

Justiciar Luna Winter of SnowFang, mate of Justiciar Alpha Sterling of SnowFang, legitimate daughter of Cruor Alpha Birk of BlizzardFall and Elder Luna Autumn of SilverPaw, accepted daughter of the disgraced Elder Alpha and Chronicler Rodero of SilverPaw, and briefly known as Summer of AmberHowl, is named Chronicler.

The Elder Council charges her, her Alpha, and her pack with the maintenance and protection of the Archives, the integrity of our history as it becomes known to her, and the relic known as Tears of the Blue Mirror.

I shuffled to the last scroll, which contained an awful lot of text, and it took reading it a time or two to grasp all of it.

Sterling peered over my shoulder.

I had to blink a few times. “They did it. Theyactuallygot the Elder Council to agree to a new type of pack.”

“They did somewhat rub the Council’s snout in their own passive corruption,” Sterling commented.

“When has that ever worked in politics? Usually it’s a big stick that gets the job done.”

“Luna,” the AmberHowl messenger said, half-bowing. “Alpha. Shall I convey to the Elder Council you have no protests?”

“How the ever loving hell would I protestthis?” I didn’t even know whatthiswas.

“That’s for you to say, Justiciar Luna.”

“Get out of my den.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave me a bit of a grin and gestured to the rest of the wolves that had brought me my newest collection of flammable objects and headed for the door.

Sterling took the scrolls and reviewed the last one, detailing the Elder Council’s general idea for what SnowFang—given the titleJusticiar Pack—was supposed to do with its newfound power. Not all of the Elder Council had signed on for it, but in a strange twist, a number of more prestigious non-Elder packs (including Granite Paw) had been consulted and permitted to vote on it.

Unsurprisingly, Kyle and Thessa of GranitePaw had votedstrongly against. SilverPaw and FrostFur’s votes had been deemedstrongly agreesince they were mostly to blame for it (even though neither pack had actuallyvoted). FrostFangare had also votedstrongly agree.

“So what are we now? Community watch?” Burian asked.

“Sounds like,” Cye said, voice soft. “There are a lot of wolves who could use someone to listen to them. So they don’t end up trapped in this city. The only reason I’m not there with them is because of Sterling.”