I cover his hand with mine, sure my instant flush becomes icing on his ego.

His gaze slants to where I’ve paused his thumb, then moves to my face, his I’ll-behave-expression a total sham. “I’m sure Vi can score me andRise of the One-Fanged Vampsa book deal.”

“Better yet, a movie deal. Some makeup, Jax’s contacts, and a fang implant and you could play the tortured, broody lead.”

“Pass.” He kisses the center of my palm.

“Werewolves are okay, but vamps aren’t your thing?”

“The big screen isn’t my thing.” Something that sounds an awful lot like insecurity throws a glitch in his otherwise flippant answer.

Insecurity is my middle name, not his. I’ve seen enough episodes of his show to know he’s amazing onscreen. He has a kind of magic going on with the camera that has less to do with his abs than everyone thinks. “Maybe it should be your thing.”

“Maybe I want you to be my thing.” He dips his hand into the indent of my waist.

I know he’s distracting me from pushing the movie thing, but it works. I swear an electrical storm just danced over my skin. “You’re very touchy today.”

“With you, I’m always touchy.” He scoots his hand under the hem of my shirt, the one he loaned me, and rests it just above my waistband. “I like you wrapped in my shirt.” He slowly glides his fingers up my side, sending heat to places I’m not ready for it to go.

I’m in so much trouble. Gabe handles me the way he handles the Mustang, confidently and impulsively. He’s shown me more affection this week than everyone in my life put together, and it’s big-time scary how easy it is to get sucked into that kind of high. I’m addicted to the way it feels to be his first and only choice when I’ve never even been on anyone’s favorite’s list before.

In the closest thing I have to a nonchalant move, as if removing a guy’s hand from under my shirt is something I do all the time, I casually pull his fingers from my skin. “Is there even one minute of the day when you’re not thinking about—”

“Sex?” He leans over, his nose brushing my cheek. “Nope.” His lips graze the corner of my mouth.

I taste cool minty mouthwash. And. I. Have. Total. Morning. Breath. I scramble off the bed in horror, covering my mouth with both hands. “I didn’t brush my teeth.”

Standing, he stalks after me. “Don’t care.”

“I do.” I put both hands on his chest.

“Fine.” He waves toward the bathroom. “Go be hygienic. But hurry up. Because the only thing that got me through that damn meeting was thinking about getting lost in you when I got back. In thirty seconds, I’m planning to kiss the hell out of you whether you’ve brushed your teeth or not.”

chapter 46


“Tell the truth people want to hear.”

~ Meredith Morgan

(played by the award-winning Meredith Wade)

Raising Ryder: Episode25

I’ve wandered so far into the Land of the Whipped, I’m gonna be buried there. Grinning, I flop onto my back on Jess’s bed and sling my arm over my face while I wait for her to brush, floss, and Scope. Do I know my girl or what?

After my morning in David’s office, nothing touched the caging claustrophobia until I touched Jess. She mellows me faster than a 10K run, a weight-room marathon, and a case of Fireball.

The door clicks open, and she pads across the carpet. “You okay?”

This is my chance to shoot straight. Confess that in four days I’ll have to sign that damn contract and publicly crawl back to Kim. Only I want these last few days with Jess to be perfect. Need them to be perfect. I’m not breaking my promise to be honest. I’m just delaying it. Shutting down the guilt chewing up my gut, I sit up on the edge of the bed and pull her to stand in between my legs. “I’m good.” Not a lie. I’m touching her. Of course I’m good.

Her fingers tunnel through my hair, curling her nails against my scalp in a subtle massage I bet she’s not even aware she’s giving.

I’m aware. My mind skips ahead, getting a little graphic picturing our next scene. Then backtracks to something more important. For the first time since I met her, she hasn’t thought to cover her scar with concealer or her hand. I give her a wide-ass smile.

“Do I even want to know what you’re thinking?” She tightens her fingers into the roots of my hair.