“Why?” I try to spin her to face me, but she won’t budge.
“Because that’s your life. I don’t deserve what you did for me.” Her words break something inside me.
I hate Jess’s parents for making her feel worthless. “You’re right.” I press my cheek to hers. “You deserve more. And someone better.” My ego doesn’t like it, but it’s true. “I’m kind of an ass.” I sigh theatrically into her hair. “I spend a lot of time thinking about you naked. I’d like to say that’s gonna change, but I promised the truth.” I shrug. “But in case you’re wondering, I’ll like you just the same”—my head dips to her ear—“if your clothes stay on.”
Spinning around, she slowly slides her arms around my waist, her cheek landing on my chest. And immediately backs out of the hug. “I can’t do serious with you while you’re not wearing a shirt.” Her laughter is choked-out, but it’s there.
“Thank God.” I let out a monster groan. “I’m so done with serious.” I touch the top of her square neckline. “Maybe you should lose your shirt too. Put us on even ground.”
She offers me my V-neck. “Or you could put yours back on.”
With mock irritation, I yank the sweater over my head.
“What happens now?” She twists her hair over her shoulder.
I rub my fingers over the silky strands, then let it cascade over her shoulders. “We go back to your room and order burgers and fries. I’m starving.”
“I meant about me messing up your contract.”
“You didn’t mess up anything. I breached my contract. And David’s working with my agent. What happened to no serious shit?”
Her cuss cringe puts wrinkles between her eyebrows. “You know that’s your favorite word, right?”
“Shit?Nah.” I shake my head. “Yesis my favorite word. But only when you say it. Yes, Gabe, you’re hotter than all the models on that stage.” I reach for my best falsetto. “Yes, Gabe, I want to run my hands over your rock-hard abs.” I bat my eyelashes. “Yes, Gabe, I want you to run your hands overmyabs.”
“I don’t have abs.” She smacks me in the arm, a tiny smile poking through.
“I’ll be the judge of that.” I tug on the hem of her shirt.
And earn another smack. But also a bigger smile.
Which just encourages the crazy side of me. “Yes, Gabe.” I let out a breathy sigh worthy of Marilyn Monroe. “I have to kiss you. Right. Now.”
Jess breaks into a ghost of giggle.
Mission accomplished. “I was kind of serious about that last one.” I skim my thumb over her lips, still fascinated with her full mouth, catch her gaze. “Kiss me.”
She’s covered in one big blush. “You’re too far away.”
I slide directly into her space.
“You’re too tall.”
Her head comes to my chin. I bend down, making sure she sees the silent triple-dog dare flashing in my eyes.
She licks her lips, links her hands behind my neck and guides me down, killing the gap, kissingmefor the first time. Her closed-mouth move stays well behind the sweet line. Because she’s the one giving the kiss, it thrills me all the same.
Not that I’d admit this to another dude, but I might even be experiencing some butterflies-in-your-stomach shit.
When she leans back, the red tone in her skin deepens, a pretty flush under the warm lantern light.
I tuck her hair behind her ears. “I've never met anyone who blushes so much over an innocent kiss.”
“Just because you’d never be nervous over a kiss—”
“Not true. My first kiss was on the set ofRaising Ryderwith seventy-three people watching. Mymomwas directing. I was twelve. The girl was fifteen, guest-starring in a couple episodes. Never met her before. All I could think about was what if I did it wrong? What if we had to do a hundred takes? What if everyone laughed. What ifshelaughed?”
The door to the hotel opens behind us. Animated conversation temporarily spills into the courtyard from the ongoing after party.