I hand her more napkins and grin. “I’d rather live to kiss you.”

“Been there, done that. With fifty million other girls.” She wipes the cup, then sets it on the table between us. “I’m sure there’s anI Lip-Locked Gabriel Wadetee I can order off your website.”

“I might have one in my suitcase.” Taking where she’s placed the tea as an offer to share, which I’m sure it’s not, I take a drink.

“What’s up with that reporter?” She balls up both napkins.

“She’s stalking me. It’s what reporters do.”

“She knows your mom.” She leans in. “She knows you.”

“They used to be friends.” I sit back in my chair. “Mom scoredRaising Ryder.Gretch sold out to TheDallas Daily Dish. The green-eyed monster, she’s a bitch.”

“There has to be more than that. Gretchen’s going to a lot of effort.”

I give her the same sincere fake smile I gave Gretchen.

Jess gets out of her chair and pushes it in.

“Where are you going?” I jump up.

“To my room.” She pivots away from the table so fast she steps on the heel of her pink flip-flop with the toe of her purple flip-flop and stumbles.

I steady her. “Don’t leave.”

“Don’t lie.” She pulls away.

“I’m sorry.” I put on my most sincere real smile. “I really need what you did for me with Gretchen to be more than a one-time save.”

“It’s already a two-time save.” Refusing to meet my eyes, she plays with the strap on one of her flip-flops. “Or did you forget Monday morning?”

“Definitely didn’t forget.” Her legs showcased on that escalator are burned in my mind along with our kiss. “And now I kind of need you.”

“Youneedme?” Her voice dips in disbelief.

“To be my reason to stay in Dallas.”

“What’s the real reason?” Her gaze is intense, like it comes with a lie-detector.

I’m not sure I can afford to play twenty questions with this girl. “Doesn’t matter.”

“Does to me.” Her tone is set in stone. As in, she’s not budging.

I put my hand on her back and move us away from the Starbucks line that’s grown by a few business suits. I’m ready to give her something to get her to agree. But not Mom’s secret. That’s not mine to share. “If anyone finds out what I’m going to tell you, I’m in breach of contract.”

“What does that mean?” She tugs her sleeves to cover her hands.

“It means I get sued.” I keep my volume extra low. “And lose my last paycheck. And I need that money.” The Oasis Bill for this quarter is due—all 40k.

Her eyes seem uncertain. Like she’s rethinking her drive to uncover my secrets. “What are you telling me?”

Here it goes. The first time I’ve been unprofessional. Okay, not true. But it’s the first time I’ve broken a contract. The first time I’vedeliberatelydone something to screw my career. It’s also the first time I’ve put myself on the line for someone else. But... it’s Mom. And bizarrely, I trust Jess. I have since I decided to kiss her at the bottom of that escalator.

I take a deep breath and watch her eyes, because for whatever reason I care what she thinks. “I got fired. The writers kill Jax off in the mid-season finale.”

chapter 17
