Page 19 of Bossy Daddy

She takes it, looks up at the building in awe, then says, “Glen, this isMár.”

I chuckle. “I know. I’m the one who drove here. Remember?”

“I’ve done a little bit of research on Boston’s culinary scene.Márseems to be one of the best restaurants in the city. I mean, the chef has several Michelin stars. I don’t think we can just walk in and get a table. I’ve heard that their reservation list is six months long.”

“Yeah, it can be hard to get a table here. Don’t worry, I know the owner. He and I are good friends. We went to medical school together.”

The look on Emma’s face shows that she doesn’t entirely follow. “Wait, you’re a doctor?”

I smile. “No, I am not, but that’s a story for another time.”

I walk us into the restaurant and the second the maître d’, Carlo, sees me he greets me with his heavy Italian accent. “Mr. Fields, it’s great to see you! And you have brought una bella donna to dine with you tonight.”

He shakes Emma’s hand and she blushes.

I roll my eyes at his charm. “Yes, we were wondering whether it would be too much trouble for you to find us a table?”

“Of course not.” He waves a hand at me.

He grabs two menus off the table to his side, waves a waiter over and hands the menus to him. “William here will show you to your table.”

He then whispers something into William’s ear, and William takes us to a table in the back of the restaurant. It’s very secluded and most of the light comes from the candles surrounding us.

Very romantic.

I see what Carlo did there, and I’m grateful.

Emma and I sit and begin to peruse our menus. This night has so much potential, and I can’t wait to see where it goes.

Chapter Nine


I can’t believe I’m at dinner atMár.Even less believable is that I’m here with Glen Fields, who strolled in and got us a table.

We place our orders and then I look around and say, “You must have some major juice to be able to skip a six month waiting list to get us in here.”

He shrugs like it’s nothing. “Like I said, the owner is a good friend of mine.”

“Yeah, about that. What’s the story there? You said you both met in med school?”

“Yeah, Nicolo and I met in med school, and we both dropped out one after another.” He chuckles. “I was the first to leave. A month later Nicolo followed.”

“Wow… I never would have guessed.”

“Why? Is the idea of me being a doctor so strange?” I detect a hint of offense in his tone.

“No.” I shake my head. “It’s just that you’re so good at what you do that I have a hard time seeing you doing anything else.”

“You think I’m good at what I do?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well, you could’ve fooled me.” He chuckles, but I can hear the hurt behind the sound.

“Listen, I think you’re amazing at what you do. I mean, look at what you’ve done. You builtMed-Fieldsinto one of the biggest medical equipment supply companies in the country. I recognize that couldn’t have been easy to do.”

“If you think that then why do you go out of your way to make me feel little?”