Page 17 of Bossy Daddy

I was mortified because she didn’t just say no. She literally couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

I feel like such a creep. Like one of those lecherous old men preying on all the young women around him. I can’t bring myself to look her in the face.

She’s got me acting so out of character. I have never shied away from anything in my life. Now here I am literally ducking into closets to avoid her.

It has been three days since all that went down. I am very aware I am not going to be able to keep this up forever. I am, nevertheless, determined to keep it up for as long as I possibly can.

Anyway, I had quite a difficult day at work today. It wasn’t anything specific; just a bunch of little things that came together to stress me out. So I’m relieved when it’s time for me to head out.

I head over to the bank of elevators. I press the call button and get into the metal box when it arrives and hit the button for the basement parking lot.

The elevator stops on the next floor. When the doors slide open, standing in front of me is Emma fucking Stanley.

This is just my luck.

The second I see her, a little squeak escapes me. I hope to God she didn’t hear that.

With her hair floating around her, she silently walks into the elevator in her tight green skirt suit, and the way the material of the skirt hugs her hips as she moves does things to me.

She stands next to me and holds her briefcase with both hands in front of her. The elevator resumes its descent and her flowery perfume wafts in my direction. It makes me weak in the knees, which is why I almost fall to the floor when the elevator jerks to a stop.

Emma and I look at each other but I turn my eyes away from hers just as quickly and begin to jab at the basement button on the elevator panel.

Just when I realize that my frantic poking isn’t helping, a voice comes over the speaker system. It’s Randy from security.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Fields, the elevator is having some issues. It has been stopping all day today,” he says.

“It’s nice to know that I’m invisible when Mr. Fields is in the room,” Emma says.

I look at her and she has mirth in her eyes, and I smile.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Stanley. I didn’t mean any offense,” Randy says.

Emma waves him off and I say, “If the elevator has been having issues, why haven’t you called someone to fix it?”

“We did, but they haven’t been able to come out yet. I’m so sorry about the inconvenience, sir. I’ll go for help.”

I give a curt nod. I don’t know if he can see me through the cameras in the elevator or not, but that’s all the response he is going to get from me.

The speaker goes quiet and Emma and I stand side by side wordlessly.

The silence is so tense and awkward that I’m not surprised when Emma finally says, “Oh my God! Would you cut it out?”

I shrug. “Cut what out?”

“Treating me like I’m radioactive.”

“What do you mean?”

She raises an eyebrow. “You have been avoiding me ever since that night and it’s silly.”

I chuckle. “I haven’t been avoiding you. I’ve just been really busy. Whatever you think is happening is only happening in your head.”

“Oh really?” She drops her briefcase, folds her arms and kinks her hip. “So that wasn’t you who jumped into the men’s room when you saw me coming down the hall yesterday?”

Shit! I had hoped she didn’t see me. “Don’t be dramatic. I didn’t jump into anything. I just happened to be going to the bathroom when you walked by.”

“Mhmmm… Why are you doing this? I have to say, your behavior is very bizarre. We are adults. Yeah, things are going to be awkward for a while, but we should be able to power through.”