Wiping a line of sweatoff my forehead, I let my eyes scan over the empty bar. That was a big night, probably one of the biggest we’ve had. Two bachelor parties, a show, and a business party. It was full of men, and a few women, and the drinks were constantly flowing. The tips, oh the tips, they were flowing, too. I made more tonight than I would normally make doing a few days at my job, but this is hard work.
Bar staff are seriously underrated.
They are run off their feet constantly, and they’re always dealing with people. Including the worst kind, the drunk ones who cause scenes and create chaos. They’re not few and far between, either, let me tell you. We generally have one or two angry or abusive customers each night, and that’s when it’s quiet. Luna takes zero crap from any of them, which I admire, because I shrink when they get mouthy with me.
I’m learning, slowly, to be more like her.
“That was crazy,” I say as Luna approaches, exhaling loudly as her shoulders slump with exhaustion.
“It was one of the busiest nights we’ve had in a long time, but I bet you did well in the tip department?”
I grin. “Really well.”
“Me, too.” She smiles, swiping a piece of damp hair from her forehead. “I’m going to buy my daughter something nice.”
I smile at her, because Luna is truly a good person. The best kind. She’s strong and determined, but she has the kindest heart.
“Your daughter is lucky to have you.”
She nods, grinning. “Yes, yes, she is. Your friend wasn’t in here tonight.”
No, he wasn’t.
I can’t help but wonder if he’s avoiding me. I understood the other night, but now ... I don’t know. I haven’t seen or heard from him since the kiss, and while I understand Western isn’t the type to come looking for a conversation, it still makes me wonder what he’s thinking about it all. I know I haven’t stopped thinking about it, and the more I do, the more I want to see him.
I’m pushing a line, I know I am, but I can’t stop the feelings gripping my heart.
“I noticed that,” I say to Luna. “Maybe he’s sick.”
She ponders it. “Sick of you chewing his ear off maybe?”
I laugh. “Well, on that note, I’m going to get home.”
She pulls me in for a hug, and I wrap my arms around her, squeezing tightly, before releasing her and finishing up. Once I’ve clocked out and I’m in my car, I contemplate if I should go home, or if I should go by the club. I know, even as I start the car and pull away, that I’m going to go and see why Western didn’t come in tonight. I can’t help myself.
Arriving at the club, my eyes widen at the amount of people milling about. Another party? I climb out of my car and shut the door, locking it as I walk toward the front gates. A few bikers watch as I go past, and a few give me grins that make me a little uneasy. Cigarette smoke, alcohol, and God knows what else is basically in the hands of every person I pass, and the woody scent of marijuana fills my nose as I move into the garage.
Scanning the people, I see Western sitting over at the bar, a cigarette in one hand, a glass in the other, and Hazel sitting right beside him. She’s got her hand on his leg, and she’s laughing with another biker sitting beside her. The sight hits me in the chest, and I can’t deny the pain that grips my heart. An ugly kind of jealousy that really isn’t warranted, considering she’s his wife and I’m just a girl using him for a story.
That thought has guilt twisting my stomach.
“She came crawling back with her tail between her legs.”
Fury’s voice comes from behind me, and I turn to see him standing with another biker, one I haven’t met before. I try to force a smile on my face, but it wobbles a little, which only makes me feel so much worse.