Page 18 of Nightmare

I will find the truth.


TOSSING A TOWEL OVERher shoulder and placing a heap of glasses down on the counter, Luna looks to me. “It’s going to be crazy tonight. Show nights are always out-of-this-world busy.”

Show night.

Every Saturday, the club has what they call show night. It’s where all the girls get together and do a massive show. It’s popular, hugely so, and because of it, the club is said to turn people away because they can’t fit any more in. Luna warned me I’ll be exhausted by the end of it, but I don’t mind. I like the challenge, and I’m excited to see where the night takes me.

“I’m ready,” I say, cracking my knuckles and giving her a smile.

She laughs. “Nothing bothers you, does it?”

“Nope. Let’s go over this again. We are only doing one section tonight?”

She nods. “Yep, we’re the entire far left of the club. Our girls only focus on those tables and the bouncers will section it all off so that side only comes to our part of the bar. It just stops the chaos when it becomes too full.”

I nod. “Got it.”

“Pull that charm on and you’ll be walking out with a lot of tips tonight. I always do so well on a Saturday, I have a feeling you’ll do even better.”

I wave a hand. “I’ll do no better than you, you’re amazing.”

She gives me a proud grin, and then we both get back to work.

She’s right, within the hour the club is packed. There are people everywhere, the lines to the bar are full, the tables are jam packed with people, and the stage is in full swing. I’m so busy that I don’t notice Western come in, probably because he certainly doesn’t make it known to people when he enters. He kind of slinks in and then slinks back out again, not saying a single word to anyone.

Nobody even approaches him.

It’s as if they’re all afraid.

I work until my feet ache and I’m overflowing with tips, only then does the club quiet down enough for me to take a small break. Mostly, to get a drink of water and shove a protein bar down my throat as quickly as possible so I don’t pass out from being hungry. Noticing Western has no drink, I take the bottle of whiskey and go over, filling it up for him without asking. He doesn’t look up at me.

I have to wonder what he’s thinking about as he stares at the counter.

His mind is either completely numb, or it doesn’t stop, and this is the only way he can find solace for just a moment.

“Those girls are amazing,” I say, leaning my hip against the counter and taking a bite of my protein bar. It’s grainy and gross, but it’s food, and I’ll take whatever I can get right now. “My momma would tan my backside if I got up on a stage like that, but, man, I wish I could. I don’t have the body for it, though.”

Western doesn’t move.

“I would probably fall on my butt if I so much as attempted climbing a pole like that. Just yesterday, I tripped climbing out of my car. Literally stumbled right out the door. I’m as clumsy as they come.”

Still nothing.

I keep my sassy charm and keep going. I’m not about to give up yet.

“Luna told me your name is Western. That’s a really cool name. I always wanted to call my son Western, if I ever had one.”

He lifts his head slowly, and those eyes lock onto mine. Something I’ve said seems to trigger him, because there is a flash in his gaze that almost makes me reel backward in fear. It’s a look that tells me if I continue, he’s not going to be happy. Keeping my smile, I push past it. If I’m afraid of this man, then I’ll never get to the bottom of his story and I’m in too deep to back off now.

“I doubt anyone would marry me, though,” I huff, waving a hand and not once breaking eye contact. “I’ve heard I talk too much.”

His eyes soften, just a touch.

Even then, they’re still harder and more broken than any eyes I’ve ever seen before.

“You should go sit by the stage, the girls really are putting on a great show.”