Page 36 of Nightmare

“I said,” Western grinds out, “not fuckin’ now.”

Hazel throws her head back and laughs. “The funny thing about that is, I’m not fucking leaving.”

A low growl escapes Western’s throat, and I have to admit, it’s pretty scary.

“Then I’ll leave,” he says, pushing to his feet. “Alone.”

Hazel reaches for his remaining drink, lifts it off the table and launches it at him. Glass smashes everywhere, and my eyes widen in shock as he stands, soaked in whiskey. Oh boy, she’s quite the handful.

“Do not fucking come anywhere with me,” she bellows, “I’m done with you, Western. I don’t care how much fucking money I get for the pathetic role of being your wife, I’m not going to sit around waiting for some attention any longer. I’m certainly not going to lay there while you fuck me, your eyes not even meeting mine. No, I’m going to find another man who will give me exactly what I want.”

Oh, man.

This got serious, quick.

What does she mean money? Does someone pay her to be with him?

Surely not.

I mean, I have heard that he got married to calm the town down a little when he got out of prison, but I figured he must have wanted to, also. Why would you commit to someone just to shut people up?

“You know where the door is,” Western says, his voice icy calm as he holds her eyes, not even flinching once at her outburst.

That’s harsh.

She shakes her head, and her eyes move to me.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m drunk, or if I’m trying to fix the situation so he doesn’t have to deal with this in front of everyone, but I find myself blurting, “It was me!”

Eyes widening, she looks me over as if I’m the most vile, horrendous human she has ever had to lay her eyes on. Yikes, lady, I don’t think I deserve a look that harsh. Western exhales and closes his eyes for a moment. I’m trying to fix this for him, but I’m not doing a very good job at it.

“Seriously,” Hazel bites out, “you ditched me for this ...”

Not wanting to hear how she finishes that particular sentence, I say quickly, “I wasn’t there for him. I’m seeing, ah, Fury and I couldn’t find a ride to get out there so Wes ... Nightmare gave me one. That’s literally it. You can keep your nasty words to yourself, thank you very much.”

Shock washes over her face, then she narrows her eyes. “Fury, you’re seeing Fury?”

Why does it feel like I’m digging myself into a hole I can’t get out of?

“Yes, why is that so shocking?”

She smirks, and it’s a touch terrifying. “Fury fucks everything that moves, and you’re telling me he’s suddenly decided that he’s going to just settle down ... with you?”

The way she throws that last word at me, makes me feel like I’ve just dragged myself out of a swamp and am trying to land the world’s hottest man. I mean, sure, I’m not as gorgeous as she is but, damn, a girl has some pretty good features. I decide in this moment that I don’t like Hazel, and it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s with Western and everything to do with the fact that she’s a mean person.

I don’t do mean people.

“Thank you for so rudely pointing out that you think I’m unattractive, but I’ll have you know that he happens to like the fact that, while I may not look like a super model, I actually have a personality. I’m sure that’s a foreign concept to you.”

She steps forward, rage filling her pretty features. “What did you say to me?”

“Okay.” Luna steps up to the bar. “It’s time to leave, you either go on your own or I’ll get Mick to escort you out. Either way, you’re done here for the night.”

Hazel glares at Luna, then her eyes move to Western, but he does nothing in her defense. Then, with a huff, she spins on her heel and storms out. Well, that got out of control. I glance at Western who is watching her go. Slowly, he turns his gaze to me. That’s my cue to go home, I think. I don’t even want to know what he might have to say to me.

I’m drunk.

I can blame it on alcohol, right?