“I’m not leaving you to work the shift on your own, I’m okay, I just need a minute.”
“It’s not an option, honey,” she says, placing both hands on my shoulders and leaning in close to give me a firm look. “Sit that cute butt down, I’m going to get you a drink. You’re off the clock. We’ve got this.”
Exhaling, but not arguing, I take my apron off and smile at her. “Thank you.”
She waves a hand. “It’s no problem. Men like that can really shake you up, especially after what happened the other night.”
She’s right, it did shake me up.
“I have to say, though—” she leans in close “—Western jumped out of that seat so fast, I thought he was going to get there before Mick. I’ve never seen him leave that chair except for when he’s exiting the club each night.”
I bite my lip.
He was coming to help me?
“I don’t know what you spend your time saying to him over there, but whatever it is, it seems he is developing a soft spot for you. Be careful, though, I don’t trust him, and I don’t want you to ever leave this club with him. Okay?”
It’s my turn to give her a look. “He isn’t going to hurt me. How long has he been coming to this club? Has he ever laid a hand on anyone? I’m not entirely sure I believe the stories, anyway. Let’s say I have sources that tell me otherwise.”
Brows jerks up, Luna tips her head to the side. “He went to prison for twenty years, Bonnie. That’s not something to sneeze at.”
“Yeah, he did, but he was also dealing with corrupt cops and a really sketchy mayor. I don’t think it’s as simple as they made it seem. I don’t know, I just have this feeling ...”
Shaking her head, Luna takes my shoulders firmly and leans in close. “I like you, a whole lot, so I’m going to give this to you straight. Do not get yourself involved with that man, Bonnie. He is dangerous. He might not hurt you, but that is not the road you want to go down.”
Flashing a careful expression, I explain, “It’s okay, I promise. I’m not silly. I’m not going to do something that’ll get me hurt.”
Releasing me, Luna gives me another look as a customer approaches the bar. “Go sit, I’ll bring you a drink after I serve this gentleman.”
With that, she turns, and I glance over to where Western is sitting, new whiskey in his hand. I know what I’m about to do will probably make Luna really mad, but this is my chance to sit and attempt to crack the wall that surrounds that biker. Walking over, I take the stool next to him that nobody ever sits in. This time, though, I don’t say a word. I just sit and exhale, processing the night’s events.
Luna brings me a drink, giving me a truly aggravated look, before going back to work.
I take the drink, it’s her signature tropical vodka. I don’t know what she puts in it, but it comes out blue and green and, man, it tastes like I want to be sitting on an island, in the sun, with not a single soul around. I close my eyes and drink it, probably a little too fast, because my brain does a happy dance almost immediately.
Western doesn’t seem to acknowledge I’m there, but he doesn’t tell me to leave, either.
That’s something, right?
I drink another round, and being that I’m not a big drinker, this one goes to my head quickly.
My vision swims a little as I realize just how strong these drinks truly are.
“Slow down.”
The gruff voice comes from beside me, and I glance over at Western. He spoke, but he’s not looking at me. I keep my eyes on him until he glances at me, and when he does, a bolt of something rips through my body. Something about him seems to really affect me, perhaps it’s just that he doesn’t say anything, perhaps it’s that mix of fear and curiosity, or maybe it’s just that he’s dangerous and my body knows it.
Either way, when his eyes are on me, I can’t seem to think straight.
“Hey,” Luna says, forcing me to drag my eyes away from Western to look at her. “You should get home.”
Her eyes move to Western, before pinning me with a gaze that tells me she’s not backing down until I leave.
Exhaling, I nod. “Yeah, I’m going.”
“Order an Uber, you’re not driving.”
A group of customers approach the bar and she is forced to leave, but I’m not going to upset her so I get to my feet and turn, walking through the crowd of people to reach the front door. I go outside, and the street is quite busy with people milling around. Robert, the bouncer at the door, gives me a nod as I make my way down the stairs and to the sidewalk. Feeling a little wobbly on my feet, I pull my phone out and attempt to get myself an Uber.