Page 16 of Nightmare

I decide in this moment, I don’t like Police Chief Jordan.

“Western was actually seen assaulting Braithe?”

I purposefully use his name.

I won’t be so disrespectful.

“He already had.”

“So Braithe had no clothing on?”

Narrowing his eyes, Jordan shrugs. “I don’t remember.”


“Braithe was already gone by the time you arrived, is that correct?”

I’m jotting down notes quickly as I go.

“Yes, he had passed due to the gunshot wound.”

“Where was the gunshot wound located?”



Western was a tall man, he would have pointed down to shoot a younger boy in the stomach. You would think he would have shot him somewhere else, if he was simply trying to stop him from moving. Hell, he was bigger than Braithe, he could have just stopped him with sheer force. It doesn’t make sense for him to shoot him first. It simply doesn’t.

“I noticed,” I go on, “that there are no records of an autopsy report for Daniel and Braithe. Do you know why that is?”

Jordan stares at me through guarded eyes. “The family didn’t want one. The case was pretty clean cut. I don’t know if one was ever done, it’s not my business.”

“Still,” I say, “most of the time it’s standard, is it not?”

“Not always.”

He’s being cagey.

My suspicion radar is on high alert. There is something about him, something that screams he is covering up and lying.

I need to dig further.

“Why do you think Bill Whart just went ahead and followed them out there when he claimed to see Western abducting the two? Wouldn’t he just call the police?”

“When you see something like that, you don’t always have time.”

“Still, what was he going to do? It seems an awfully long way to follow them if you’re unarmed. He could have called the police on the way.”

Jordan pushes back in his chair and stands. “I’m sorry, I just remembered I have a meeting soon. Thanks for coming in, Bonnie. It was great talking to you.”

I don’t know if I can hide the shock that crosses my face. He’s dismissing me. Just like that. Mid conversation. He doesn’t have a meeting, we both know that, but whatever I’m asking is clearly touching a nerve. I don’t push, though. I have everything I need for the moment. Mostly, I have the knowledge that Jordan is covering something up, hell, I think they all are.

“Of course.” I give him my best smile. “Thanks for talking to me.”

He gives me a dismissing wave, and as I stand and leave his office, I notice he immediately shuts the door behind me before picking up the phone. I can’t help but wonder who he’s calling. Is he talking about the conversation we just had?

Leaving the station, I get into my car and immediately call Leo to meet me at our favorite café. He tells me he’ll be right there, and I drive over, parking out front and going inside to get a table and order our coffees. Leo arrives about ten minutes later, walking in sweaty from the gym, his hair slick, his muscles bulging. I see more than one woman’s head turn as he enters.