Page 98 of Possess Me

I blink in surprise and stare at him. They never lose touch with each other, not ever.

“What do you mean you haven’t talked to him? Thayer, he isn’t here.”

Thayer stares at me for a minute, uncomprehending. “What do you mean?”

“How else do I sayhe’s not here?”

Thayer’s face goes dark as he processes what I’m telling him. “When was the last time you saw him?”

“It was two days ago. My God, Thayer, this isn’t good. I haven’t seen him and you haven’t seen him—”

Thayer turns to me, as stern as I’ve ever seen him. “Tell me the truth, Cosette,” he snaps.


“Did you two have a fight?”

“Yeah. Somehow, he thinks I’ve betrayed you guys. Imagine that. You told him Montague was my father, and he thinks I betrayed you.”

“Jesus.” Thayer scrubs a hand across his face. He looks older, as if he hasn’t slept in days. “This is not good.Okay, so you saw him two days ago.”

“Yep. Right before I was escorted here. He said he’d come back that night, but he never did.”

Thayer throws his hands up in the air. “And you didn’t think to tell me that?”

I throwmyhands up in the air. “Why would I think to tell you that? We left on bad terms. He was pissed at me. I needed to figure my shit out. He got it in his head that I was somehow in league with Montague which, I’ll have you know, is patently false. I figured he didn’t come to me because he was angry with me.”

Thayer’s eyes narrow. “Is it like Lyam to go back on his word?”

I shake my head, panic rising. “Absolutely not.” Angry or not, furious with me, whatever he is, he isn’t one to ever not do what he says he will. He hates the concept of being unreliable and means what he says. It’s one of the scariest things about him. “So where the hell is he, then?”

Thayer takes a menacing step toward me. “If you had anything to do with this… I’m telling you right now, Cosette, if you worked with your father—”

Something inside me snaps. I could slap him silly right now. “Oh fuckoff!No! I’ve never talked to my father, and now all of a sudden, just because he decides he wants to get on your ass, I’m suspected to be in cahoots with him? No. Fuckallthe way off,Thayer. My man is missing, and after what he went through when he was taken hostage before, I amnotletting you start putting false blame on anyone and wasting any more goddamn time. Now are you going to find Lyam, or do I have to call in favors myself?” I’m shaking, my hands on my hips as I glare at him, daring him to take me on.

He stares at me for a moment before responding. I don’t know what to expect. “I’m on it. I have to make some phone calls.Christ.You call him, too.”

I take my cell phone and call Lyam, but not surprisingly it goes to voicemail.

Thayer’s talking on the phone, his voice hushed but vehement. “No, I have no idea where he is. Jesus. Theonetime I don’t get on his ass about not staying in touch.”

Minutes later, he’s got Philippe in the room and Fabien on the phone. Men and women I’ve never seen before or heard of pile into the apartment one at a time. Some are officers in uniform, still others look like beefy bodyguards. Thayer fills them all in simply.

“Lyam is missing, and we need to find him.”

“Is it possible, sir, that this had anything to do with the mob scene near the Louvre the other day?” someone asks.

“The what?” Thayer’s eyes are thunderclouds. “Someone tell me what the fuck he’s talking about.”

I pull out my phone and start searching.

“Oh my God,” I whisper, shaking my head. “Thayer—”

I scan the article and look for a picture, but all I can find is a fuzzy picture of the back of his head. It doesn’t matter, though. I’d know Lyam anywhere, anytime. It’s him.

I hand Thayer the phone. “Motherfucker,” he mutters under his breath. “We need to find out everything we can.”

I scan the details and look on social media until I piece things together. “This was right after our fight,” I say in a little voice. “We were—he left, angry, and it looks like shortly after that there was a mob attack. But there’s no telling where he is or if he was taken, he just… vanishes.”