Page 89 of Possess Me

“I changed my mind,” I say. She flinches at the harsh sound of my tone, but I’m doing everything I can not to hurt her. She betrayed me. Betrayed all of us. My only choice now is to give her a safe space so she can have our baby safely before she faces the ultimate punishment.

Everything in me screams against this, but I clench my hands.

“You knew. You knew who he was and why he’s after us. Were you a plant by him?”

I stand and stalk over to her. I hate the way she flinches and backs away.

“No! No, we don’t talk at all. I didn’t even know he knew I existed.”

“And why should I believe you?”

“Because you trust me,” she says emotionally. “Because I love you. I would never betray any of—”

She snaps her mouth closed as she hears her own words. She did betray us once and even though we know why, what’s to prevent her from doing it again?

When she reaches for me, I turn away. “I don’t know what you want from me,” I say to her. “You’ve put me in a position of choosing between you and my family.”

“I just want you to believe me,” she says on a sob. “Please!”

I shake my head. “Montague has put half the city’s resources into hunting us down. He’s intentionally set every single news organization against us and is hell-bent on making sure that we take the blame for every single fucking crime in this city.”

I blow out a breath.

“Don’t you see how this complicates things?” I snap, so angry at her I want to shake her. “If Montague knows that one of his whipping boys knocked up hisdaughter,we’ve just given him the very best ammo.”

Her face crumples. “But he doesn’t see me as his daughter, Lyam.”

“Won’t he, if it fits his narrative?”

She shakes her head, as if confused and not sure how to proceed.

“You’re carrying my baby, so I’ll keep you safe, but only then. And it won’t be a pleasant stay.” I shake my head. “I need to get out of here.”

I watch as her eyes shutter and close. She shuts down completely.

“You know what?Don’tbelieve me. Maybe I don’t believe you, either. Maybe you only wanted me because I’m carrying your child.” Her voice breaks at the end. Angrily, she swipes at the tears that fall down her cheeks.

“Atta girl,” I mutter.

The look of betrayal she gives me almost makes me cave. But I won’t be taken in, and I won’t let her sway me now. I have to pull away from her. There are no other choices.

My phone rings. The last time this fucking phone rang, I got the worst news imaginable. Now, to think—

“What?” I snap.

It’s Philippe. “The woman you had me call is here, sir.”

I hold Cosette’s gaze. “Send her up.”

I hang up the phone and we stare at each other for long minutes in silence. “You don’t have to believe me,” she says. “And I’m glad you’re being honest with me. Because you’ve told me everything I need to know.”

“Oh, have I?” I want to shake her. I want to put her over my knee and spank her until she begs for mercy. I want to kiss her and fuck her hard and demandingly, to punish her for what she’s done.

To think, I almost trusted her—

There’s a knock at the door.

“What?” I snap. She winces.