Page 21 of Possess Me

“Nothing to say?”

“Did you ask me a question?”

I watch as he strokes his chin thoughtfully, as if contemplating how he wants to begin to torture me.

“I did. I asked you lots of questions on the way here and you didn’t want to answer them.” Shrugging, he begins to push up his sleeves. He wears a long-sleeved navy tee that fits him well, molded to his muscular body. Back at Le Luxe,I’d have gotten excited to see him roll up his sleeves. It was almost foreplay. Now, it’s a different story.

When both sleeves are rolled up, he anchors his hands on his hips. I swallow hard. God, why does he have to be the absolute picture of masculine perfection? “Let’s see if you want to tell me the truth now.”

My pulse quickens when he steps into the room and slams the door behind him. The series of locks click. Ominous silence fills the room.

I know what Lyam is capable of. He’s told me as much, and I’ve heard stories. Way back when I was first hired to work for the Gerard family, before we’d even moved to Le Luxe,a few of us—Nicolette, Gwen, and I—worked at La Maison,essentially a high-end brothel. Gwen told me the first day I met Fabien Gerard, head of this family and owner of La Maison,that I should tread carefully.

I can still see her sitting on the edge of her desk, sharp eyes piercing mine. “You think Fabien is scary, and you should. He rules this region of Corsica with an iron fist. But you haven’t met Thayer, his much scarier brother. They call him The Savage and say he doesn’t have a conscience. But Lyam? The youngest?” She’d blown out a breath and shaken her head. “He’s the scariest of all.”

It wasn’t until later that I realized why, but it was in that moment I felt the pull toward Lyam. I couldn’t explain why. I still can’t. But as soon as she told me about him, something pulled at my heartstrings.

That was obviously a mistake.

It’s quiet in here. So quiet, I can’t hear a single sound outside the door. It feels as if I’ve just switched on a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. The effect is strange, and a bit unnerving, as if my inner thoughts have been magnified.

I realize with a start that he’s made this room soundproof. What else has he done in here?

“So this is where you take your victims?” I say, trying to sound all brave and sarcastic, but I’m finding it harder to pull that off.

He laughs humorlessly as he walks to the small desk and reaches for the black bag. “Victims? No, Cosette. A victim implies the person I hurt doesn’t deserve it.”

I think about my reasons for what I did. My mind races because of what’s at stake.

I don’t care if he hurts me. I don’t fear pain. But I’m not the only one on the line here.

I think about what he can do and what he can’t, not without causing harm. He’s already implied he won’t lean heavily on any kind ofimpactplay, as we’d call it at the club.

There’s no playing here, though.

He could spank me or whip me, and I’m sure he’ll use that at some point, but he already knows what I can take. Being punished when it isn’t a form of sensual play is very different, however.

I saw him give Claude a merciless beating, and it wasn’t the first time. I can’t imagine even angry, Lyam would do that to me, though.

Or would he?

I turn away from him when a lump forms in my throat. How could I have ever thought he was anything but a monster? Why was I so attracted to the wounded bad boy?

I watch as Lyam extracts a thin, flexible leather strap, coiled like a snake. He lays it beside the bag and reaches back in. Next, a set of clamps, followed by a bottle of liquid I can’t identify. Something silky and black joins the rest, along with a ball gag and a portable kit for melting hot wax.

My stomach begins to churn acid.

“You really gave this some thought,” I say nonchalantly, aware of the bitter edge to my tone. “Or is this just your little bag of tricks you keep packed for date night?”

No response. He only continues to unpack the bag as if looking for something and he won’t let my chatter distract him.

I watch him remove a velvet bag the length and size of a vibrator, something else that looks like a small violet wand, and a pair of metal handcuffs.

“I think the deluxe package of the Fifty Shades date kit has a feather and a mask…”

Still no response.

He doesn’t need any of these tools, though. Lyam is strong and devious. He could do plenty just with his mouth and hands alone.