Page 107 of Possess Me

“That’s a good start,” I say teasingly. “Though these days, my cravings are more along the line of… éclairs? Mmm.” Those long, thin pastries filled with custard and topped with chocolate are my favorite. “No, no, I’ve got it!” I sigh. “Macarons, Lyam. I wantmacarons.”

Light, airy, delicately sweet. My mouth waters.

“Those are easy. Consider it done. But you have to ask for more than that. I wasn’t just an asshole; I was afuckingasshole.” He grimaces.

“You’re awfully cute when you grovel,” I say thoughtfully. I run my fingers through his dark, tousled hair.

“Cute?” he says with distaste. “I was hoping to go for debonair or handsome.”

“That, too,” I say, leaning in to kiss his forehead. “But cute is a refreshing change.”

“Oh! I’ve got it!” he says, pointing with his index finger as if he’s been struck with a brilliant idea, and still looking incrediblycute.“I can make it up to you with multiple orgasms that rock your world, morning, noon, and night?”

I guffaw. “I thoughtthatwas a given.”

He rolls over onto his elbows and looks me in the eyes. My heart turns over in my chest.

“Of course it is,” he says in a soft voice. “And Idoknow how to grovel.” He swallows. “It begins with an apology. I was insensitive and jumped to conclusions. Instead of assuming you betrayed us when I found out he was your father, I should have known it only put you in more danger. I should’ve known you would never do anything like that. I let my fears get the best of me, and I was wrong. I should have chosen to treat you with respect and given you the benefit of the doubt.”

“Lyam Gerard,” I say in a soft voice. “You reallydoknow how to grovel, don’t you?”

“Not saying I do it often, but yeah. Of course I do.” He swallows. “Because you’re my Queen. And I love you.”

“And I love you,” I say as he moves closer to me so he can hold me.

“Cosette, we’ve had nothing but craziness for weeks on end. I want quiet. I want to enjoy time with you. I want to take long walks and eat good food and make love. I want todateyou. Paris is the City of Love, and French men know how to be romantic. So tell me, love. What is it you want to do? Let’s resurrect this city. Let’s show the Parisians what two lovers do.”

My heart leaps with happiness. Lyam really does want to make it better. We will eradicate the bitter memories and renew the city that’s tainted and make it our home.

“So many things,” I say. “I want to take a romantic stroll down the Seine and buy books from the vendors at sunset when the city’s alight. I want to have a picnic lunch by the Champ de Mars Park,explore the Luxembourg Garden’s fountains, and maybe rent a sailboat. I want to visit the Opera House and see a ballet and explore some of those adorable little cafés in the Montmartre district. I want to taste macarons and drink hot tea and have dinner with Maman at your family home and pore over your baby pictures.” I sigh and repeat,“So many things.”

“God, I love your romantic heart,” he says, stroking his fingers through my hair. “Let’s make a pact, Cosette. Right here, right now.”

I look into his eyes. “Yes?”

“Our world is full of challenges and obstacles and people that would tear us apart. We have to promise each other that we won’t let them.”

I nod. “Yes, Lyam. I completely agree. Absolutely.”

“We have to talk it out. When things come up, we have to give each other the benefit of the doubt. We have to promise that no matter what happens, we will work through it, together. Because we’re building a family now, and peace in our familymatters.Keeping our family together matters.”

My throat’s all tingly when he says this because he’s just stated what I want so badly. I’ve longed for the comfort and consolation of family. Sure, his is not perfect, and they have their flaws like anyone does. But no matter what, they have each other. Thayer went hunting for his brother and was ready to keep him safe, no matter the cost. He’s utterly devoted to Savannah. Fabien would crawl over hot coals for his wife and family.

This, this is what I’ve longed for. I’ve wanted a family to call my own.

“You’re the mother of our family,” Lyam says. “By some grace and miracle, here we are. Despiteeverything.You’re growing a healthy baby, and this baby isours.I’ll be the best father I know how to be. And I already know you’ll be the best mother.”

Bending his mouth to my bare belly, he places a gentle kiss at the center before he looks back up to me. “Now tell me, Cosette.”

“Mmm?” I blink at him and swallow the lump in my throat.

“Will you marry me?”

* * *


This visitto the Gerard family home is much different than the last, when I was fraught with nerves, afraid of what would happen with Thayer and Savannah. But this time? This time is different.