Page 87 of Possess Me

“I’ll give you everything you need,” he says, his voice harsh but choked, and it gives me some consolation to know that he’s struggling with this, too. “I’ll make sure you have money and protection, and I’ll even have a decoy with me so that it looks like you’re still here.”

A decoy? I feel my eyes go wide.

A decoy would be a woman just like me.

My rational brain tells me to simmer down, to not get carried away, but I can’t help it.

He’s going to have a… woman… with him? So that no one suspects he’s hidden me? The hot flames of jealousy lick at my skin.



I stand and shake my head, nausea forgotten. I can’t let him push me away. I can’t let him give in to his fears about not being able to protect me. I won’t give up on us.

“No, Lyam,” I say. He stands with me, facing me, towering over me. I know that look he gets when he’s made up his mind about something, and I should really take heed of that look, but I’m pushing forward.

Your refusal to obey me intrigues me.

Does it, still?

“I won’t let you do this,” I say, shaking my head. Our baby is worth me fighting for this, but even as I protest, I feel the gnawing suspicion I had from the beginning clawing at me. If I force him to stay with me, is he really staying at all?

His phone rings. A muscle twitches in his jaw, and his eyes narrow on me. It rings again, the blaring sound like the clang of a doomsday gong. It could be important, each of us knows that, but we both stare at the phone as if it’s a viper ready to bite.

“I fucking hate technology,” he growls. “Fuckinghateit.”

When he lifts the phone, I fear he’s going to throw it through a window, but there’s too much going on right now for him to have the luxury of going dark.

“Take it,” I whisper. “You have to.”

We stare at each other.

“It’s Thayer’s ringer.”

“Fucking Thayer,” I mutter. “Does he wipe his ass without telling you?”

A corner of his lips quirks up and my heart thumps with a flicker of hope.

“What?” he snaps into the phone, his eyes on me.

I watch the flare of surprise.

His parted mouth.

The heartbreaking shutter of his gaze on mine.

I watch as, one by one, the dominoes fall.

He shakes his head. “Montague?”


No, not now. Not this way—

He places the phone on the table and hits speaker.

“Say it again, Thayer. Tell me what you just said, loud and clear for both of us to hear.”