Page 62 of Possess Me

Oh, right.

The scent of roses.

When we reach the bathroom, I see what his plan is. The huge jacuzzi tub is filled with splashes of pink petals.

“You didn’t,” I say, giving him a curious glance.

“Fill a tub for us? Why not?”

“Because it’sromantic.”

“You think I’m not romantic?” he says with a frown as he lowers me into the tub. I moan in pleasure, enveloped in the warm, fragrant water.

“I might fall asleep,” I whisper. “Don’t let me drown.”

The sound of his dark chuckle makes my pulse skitter dangerously. “Oh, I’ll make sure you don’t fall asleep. I can assure youthatisn’t happening.” I lean on the edge of the tub, watching him undress. I want to touch myself all over again just eying his chiseled abs and toned legs, and thatass—

“Are you objectifying me?” he asks with a quirk of his eyebrow.

I smile and dive into the water. I could practically swimlapsin this thing. I’ve felt so heavy and lethargic, like my limbs were made of lead. Between the nausea and hormones and sensitivity to damn near everything, being here in this tub feelsincredible.

His large, rough hand wraps around my ankle and drags me to him with ease. I splutter water and laugh when he enters the big tub with a splash, sits on the seat submerged in water, and tugs me over to him. I easily wrap my legs around him. A rose petal clings to one of my breasts like a lily pad. We both stare. Wordlessly, he bends his mouth to the petal and brushes it aside. I sigh when he laves my hardened nipple.

“Fucking beautiful breasts. Jesus, Cossie.”


He’s the only one that’s ever called me that. I close my eyes when I’m hit with a rush of emotion. There go those damn tears again.

His words come out sharp and commanding, and I crave more. “Show me.”

I look at him questioningly. “Your breasts. I want to see those nipples. They’re so perfect. Your whole fucking body’s a work of art.”

“Will you still think that when my belly’s bigger?” I ask teasingly, but there’s a thread of real concern underlying the question. My body will change, I know it will. I’ll be carrying a wholehumaninside me. And even though I think pregnant women are beautiful, I fear change. If I’m honest, I fear a lot more than that.

“Cosette,” he says, shaking his head, his brows drawn together almost as if he’s angry. “Are you serious right now?”

“Of course I am. I’m going to change. My body will.”

The thought of him not being attracted to me—the thought of being rejected—

When he laces his fingers around the back of my head and dips his forehead to mine, I know he’s serious.

“What?” I whisper.

“You’re carrying my baby inside you.Mine.We made achild.How could I not see you as the most beautiful woman in the world?”

My cheeks feel hot, and not because of the warmth of this bath. It’s hard to imagine he really thinks that, after all we’ve been through.

“Pregnant women show us new life. They glow with that knowledge and yeah, sometimes they may get curvier. But you already love our baby, and that makes you beautiful to me. Now give me those breasts.” I lean back so my torso’s above the water, giving him a full presentation of my perky, full breasts. My nipples are larger with the pregnancy hormones, deep pink in sharp contrast to my pale, ivory skin. With one lap of his tongue, he sends a spasm of pleasure through my whole body.

I lay my head in the water, floating, as he braces his hands against my back and kisses my breasts. He tongues the undersides and groans. I reach for him and thread my fingers through his thick hair, bringing him closer to me. The air is warm and my heart is light, but my body’s onfire.

I want him in me. All of him. I ache to feel his thick cock deep within me. I want to be closer to him, in the only way I know how. I want him to take me.

He holds my hips and drags me closer to him. My legs wrap around his powerful, muscled back. I hold my breath as he glides his cock to my core.

I’ve never had sex fully submerged in a bath like this andIt. Is. Divine.