Page 53 of Possess Me

I tell them how we got into a chase and that I suspect we’ve been set up.

“I’ve checked all calls and records, prompted by Philippe,” Thayer says. “There’s no record that the police had anything at all to do with this. Every member of their force is accounted for at the time of the chase.”

I clench my jaw. “Motherfucker.”

So someone posed as the police to scare us. It was a setup.

I’ll remember that.

“You’re safe to leave, Lyam. They aren’t after you.”

“Yet,” Fabien responds. “I’ve never seen the citizens so restless. Montague’s got it so that every fucking thing is blamed on organized crime.

“Abduction in Marseille? Mafia. Racketeering in Nice? Mafia. Murder in Roubaix? Mafia. Bad weather coming? Fucking mafia.”

“I’m honored,” I mutter, rolling my eyes.

What an asshole.

While it’s good to know we’re safe, I don’t want to take Cosette out of here, not again. I know she was joking, but she mentioned building a nursery here. I saw the way her eyes lit up when I gave her the tour.

If we go back to my home, my family and friends will know I’m there.

I want privacy for a little while.

I want some time alone with her.

And hell, I like knowing how safe we are here.

I want to reconnect with Cosette. Does she want to be with me? After all we’ve been through, for the love of God, we need some time to just be with each other.



“You thinking what I am?” Fabien asks.

“That I need to pay Rousseau a visit? Yeah.”

There’s a pregnant pause as I wait for one of them to ask the question we’re all thinking. Finally, Thayer’s the one who does the honors.

“You gonna tell us or do we have to drag it out of you?”

“What?” I ask, as if I don’t know for a fact they want an update on Cosette.

Fabien, as the oldest, heads this gig but he takes input from all of us and in the end, it’s all of us that run this.

“We want an update on your prisoner.”

“Remember?” Thayer snaps. “The one who tried to kill my wife?”

“She didn’t try tokillher. Jesus.”

Thayer’s growl travels really well through the phone.

“But yeah, I’ve got an update.” I stand and straighten my shoulders. I don’t know if it will be easy for them to accept her at her word. “Cosette’s pregnant.”

The slew of curses makes me pull the phone away from my ear for a minute.