Page 24 of Possess Me

The vibration increases in intensity. Another climax builds on the first. I shake and tremble as sensation begins to rise again. I press my lips together so he doesn’t hear me cry. I’m so sensitive I don’t know what to do with myself.

So this is how Lyam Gerard punishes a woman.

And he’s only warming up.

Goddamn him.

I climax again, and again, until I’m crying freely onto the bed. I can’t get away from this or move.

“I can keep this up all night, Cosette,” he says with a yawn which is probably fabricated. I barely hear him. I feel like I’m in a tunnel of blissful pain.

I’m hoarse from screaming and my sex is on fire as the vibrations go on, and on.

I can’t tell him. I won’t.

I scream out loud when something bites at my nipples. I open my eyes. I didn’t even realize they were shut or that he’d turned me over. Lyam has the remote in one hand and a violet wand in the other, grazing it against my nipples.

I squirm and plead. I don’t even know what I’m saying as the words fall out of my mouth. “I can’t tell you,” I sob. “I won’t, Lyam. You can—do whatever you want to me. I won’t cave.”

The violet wand kicks up.

“Fine, then,” he says. He pushes to his feet and reaches for the strap. I can see him out of the corner of my eye.

That’s when true panic sets in.

He can’t do this. This might be the one line he can’t cross. If he whips me—

He reaches for the silken hood.

“I’m getting the answer out of you tonight, one way or another,” he says grimly, as he slips the silky fabric over my head.

I can’t breathe. I start to panic. I gasp for air but something’s wrong. I’m not getting any air.

I try to scream but my words are muffled. I’m trying to gasp for air when it hits me.

I have to breathe.

If I can’t breathe, I’ll suffocate, and if I suffocate—

“Will you tell me now?” His words are dim and far away. I want to shake my head. I want to tell him to fuck off, but it isn’t just about me.

I have no choice.

I have to tell him.

Something inside me breaks when I know he’s won.

I nod my head, only to get him to take the hood off.

When he does, I gasp for air.

“I couldn’t breathe with that on,” I cry. “I couldn’t breathe.”

“Of course you could.” But his voice falters.

“Why-would-I-lie,” I stammer. My teeth chatter as I climax again on a scream because of that godawful contraption. I wish I could shut my body off. “I-couldn’t.”

“Motherfucker,” he grates, looking at the hood. “This isn’t what I asked for. Thank fuck I took that off.Jesus.”