Page 11 of Possess Me

He turns away and places a call.

“Yes, sir?”

“I want the final touches we discussed in place for my guest room.”

“Yes, sir. Straight away.”

I clench my jaw and look ahead of us, where construction workers in bright yellow navigate trucks, and one man is in the middle of the road directing traffic.

Lyam curses under his breath and rolls down his window.

“What?” Under the solar glare of the construction lights, the man directing traffic doesn’t see who’s driving.

“Hey,” Lyam says, his voice friendly and warm. I know that look so well.

I fell for it, too.

He beckons, and the man stomps over to us. It only takes him a few seconds to recognize Lyam. It may be the enormous tattoo of a python on his forearm he notices first.

“My residence is only about five hundred meters from here. I need to get by this construction.” He takes out his wallet and removes a thick stack of euros.

Of fuckingcoursehe does.

“I’m so sorry, sir. Just a moment, Mr. Gerard. And no, no, sir, that’s unnecessary.”

“Please, take it,” he says. “I insist.”

I see the flash of fear in the man’s eyes. One does not say no when a Gerardinsists.

I roll my eyes and turn away so he doesn’t see me.Just a moment, Mr. Gerard,I mock in my mind.Right away, Mr. Gerard.

God, it’s disgusting how people fall all over themselves giving him what he wants. No wonder he thinks he’s aking.

It’s like an act of Parliament for them to move the barriers, but after a few hushed words with his crew, they all snap into action. They practicallysalutehim.

Gag. Me.

A minute later, we’re driving down the road, I suppose to wherever he’s going to keep me.

“You should do a better job at hiding your contempt,” he snaps.

I didn’t know it was that obvious.

“Oh,” I say with a tight smile. “I’m doing anexcellentjob.”

To my surprise, he actually smiles. “Enjoy yourself while I’m occupied with my hands on the steering wheel. It’ll be the only time, you know.”

A prickle of fear skates down my spine.

Some people scare others with rage and fury, throwing things, shouting, and causing an uproar.

But I know Lyam. I know Lyam well.

I fear him most when he’s quiet.

His thoughts imprison him. When he stares ahead, I know he’s entrenched in a world of darkness, as if he’s trapped in a nightmare.

We drive the rest of the way to his home in silence.