“What was that for?” she asked raising a shaky hand to her swollen, wet lips.

“That was to show you that I’m not putting you up, Journey. I didn’t ask you over to protect you from your boss—that’s just a bonus. I asked you to spend the weekend with me because I want you. I have for a damn long time now, and I don’t care if my sister finds out or not.” She was about to protest him telling Lucinda when he pressed his fingers to her lips. “I won’t tell her until you are ready, but I’m only keeping it a secret from her for you. I want you to spend the weekend with me—in my bed, preferably naked.”

Her gasp filled the room, and he threw back his head and laughed. God, he was beautiful. “Now you’re getting it, honey.”

“You want me to be naked?” she stuttered. Journey had hoped but hearing him say it made her crazy with lust.

“It’s all I’ve wanted for a long time now, Journey. If it’s not what you wanted from this weekend, tell me now. I will still take you home with me, but I’ll try harder to keep my hands to myself.”

“I don’t want you to do that,” she quickly admitted. The thought of his hands all over her body made her hot. “I want your hands on me.”

“Good to know,” he said. Ford released her and picked up her bag, handing her back her purse and jacket. “Ready?” he asked. She suddenly felt too hot and flustered to answer him. Instead, she just nodded and tried to paste on a smile.

“I’m just glad I decided to pack my good panties and bras,” she whispered.

Ford laughed, “So, you were thinking about getting naked and spending the weekend in my bed then?” he asked. All she could do was nod again. How did she admit that to him without sounding desperate? Maybe they were well past that and desperate was what Ford was into. Now, all she had to do was find a way to tell Ford that she was a virgin, but she had at least twenty minutes to figure that all out.

* * *

Ford drove like a crazy person back to his place. He nearly ran a red light until she shouted that the light was about to change. “What the hell is your hurry, Ford?” she asked. He shot her a sheepish grin and shrugged.

“Sorry,” he breathed. “I guess you finally giving me a chance has me a bit excited to get you back to my place. I’m worried that you might change your mind.”

“I’m not going to change my mind, Ford, but you might after I tell you what I need to say.” She worried that by spilling her guts and admitting that she was a twenty-three-year-old virgin, he might turn his truck back around and take her straight back to her apartment.

“You’re scaring me,” he said. “What is it that you need to tell me, Journey?” He pulled into his townhome’s garage and cut the engine, waiting her out to tell him what she needed to. She was the one who started this. She should have at least kept her mouth shut until they got into his place. At least then, she’d have a fighting chance of him letting her stay the night until she could work out what to do about her boss. With the promise of sex looming over her, she had to tell Ford though. It was the right thing to do even if it made her completely uncomfortable. It wouldn’t be fair to let him find out on his own that she had been saving herself.

Journey took a deep breath and spilled her guts. “I’m a virgin,” she breathed. The words seemed to tumble out before she was really ready to give them, but at least she had that part over with. Poor Ford looked a bit confused and completely shocked by her news. “Oh, come on,” she grumbled. “It’s not that bad, right?”

“You’re twenty-three,” he insisted, “and, you went to college.”

“Right, both of which have nothing to do with me having sex. I mean, there really isn’t an age requirement, right? And I’m pretty sure that I didn’t have to have sex to get my degree, although, if that was the case, they gave it to me anyway.”

“That’s not what I mean,” Ford insisted. “Why haven’t you had sex yet?” he asked.

“Um, I was saving myself for you,” she said, “as stupid as that sounds. I guess it’s pretty lame. I mean, hearing the words come out of my own mouth makes me feel lame. I don’t know, I guess I just had this crazy notion that one day, you’d notice me, and I didn’t want any other boy.”

“You didn’t go out with anyone in high school?” he asked.

“I mean, I went on a few dates with a couple of guys, but that’s where it ended, really. Your sister was pretty pissed off at me when I turned down prom date offers from guys during senior year. They all started spreading rumors about me that I was a lesbian, and honestly, I let them. Your poor sister got the bum wrap of that deal because everyone said that the two of us were dating, even though Lucinda dated guys in high school. They said that we were secretly in love because we were always together.”

“Kids are so cruel,” he said, “I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that.”

“I’m sorry that Lucinda had to endure any of that on my behalf,” she said. “I guess it’s why I became so protective of her and still am.”

“I get it—you and my sister were always close, but for the record, I don’t think you’re a secret lesbian,” he said.

“Gee, thanks,” she giggled. “Are you saying that because you don’t want it to be true?” she asked.

“Maybe,” he smirked. “Are you sure that you still want to do all of this?” he asked. “I mean, I don’t want to push you into something that you’re not ready for.”

“I’m ready,” she said, taking his hand into her own. “I’ve waited for you my whole life, Ford. The question is, are you still willing to do this? I mean, you probably don’t want a virgin,” she mumbled.

“Bullshit,” he shouted, “I want you, Journey. I don’t give a fuck if you are a virgin or not. I’m flattered that you waited all this time for me. But why did you turn me down every time I asked you out these past six months?”

“As I said, I’m protective of your sister. I didn’t want to hurt her, and I thought that being with you might do that to her. It’s why I asked you to keep this thing between us a secret.”

“Right, and you’re worried that we won’t work out—but I have to warn you, Journey, if we do this, I won’t want to let you go. If you agree to be with me, in my bed, I’ll want you in my life too. Are you going to be able to tell Lucinda about us eventually? I mean, sooner or later, she’ll figure it out.” He was right. Lucinda was a smart woman and she’d look at Journey and know that she had been with her brother. But giving up her chance with Ford now that they had come so far wasn’t a possibility for her.