“I’ve loved you forever too, Ford. I’ll marry you,” she breathed. He pulled her against his body, sealing his mouth over hers. He kissed her until a police officer cleared his throat behind them.

“I hate to break this up, but I need to take your statement, ma’am.” She looked into the lobby of her building, all of her coworkers standing there watching her, and she took a deep breath when she got to Andrew who was staring her down, shooting daggers at her and Ford.

“I will gladly give you my statement, just give me one minute,” she said. She pulled free from Ford’s arms and started for the building.

“What are you doing?” Ford asked.

“What I need to do, and I need to do this alone,” she said. “I won’t be long. We have our whole future to plan, and I don’t want to waste another second.” She gently kissed his cheek and turned back to the building she had basically called home for so many years now. She stared down Andrew the whole time, not wanting to let his intimidating stare get to her. He wouldn’t intimidate her ever again.

As soon as she walked into the lobby, the sea of onlookers parted and she walked right up to her boss. “I quit, Andrew,” she said.

“You what?” he asked.

“You heard me. I quit and I’ll also be filing charges against you for sexual misconduct. You won’t ever touch me or pressure me into spending one on one time with you to keep my job, ever again.” She turned to walk away from him, and he grabbed her arm, tugging her back. She looked through the window to see Ford’s murderous expression and she shook her head at him. The last thing she needed was for him to storm into the lobby and start a fight with her boss-well, ex-boss.

“Let go of me, or I will add assault to my statement,” she spat. “You need to learn to take no for an answer, Andrew. I don’t want you; I never did. Maybe you should learn to ask a lady before you just assume.”

Journey pulled her arm free and started for the front door, hoping like hell that she didn’t fall on her face and ruin her grand exit. Applause broke out around her and Journey looked around at all of the smiling women who were cheering her on. She walked out onto the street and straight into Ford’s arms. “I’m so fucking proud of you, honey,” he said. “I love you.”

“Love you too,” she whispered, “don't let go of me until this is over,” she said.

“You don’t have to worry about that, honey,” he said. “I don’t plan on ever letting go of you again.” He walked her over to the police officer who was waiting to take her statement. She was looking forward to forever with Ford. It was something that she never dreamed possible—a lifetime with her best friend’s older brother. Ford Dixon was her dream come true and she would never deny her feelings for him again.

“I’m going to hold you to that promise,” she whispered to him.

The End

I hope you enjoyed Ford and Journey’s. Now, buckle up for a sneak peek at K.L. Ramsey’s next release—His Rebellious Assistant (Billionaire Boys Club Book 6), coming March 2023!


Eli Kingston wasn’t sure if he was making a good decision by taking the job offer from McTavish Industries or not. When his brother, Evan called him to extend the offer from his new business partners, Alex, and Rod McTavish, he thought for sure that he was joking. But he should have known better since his brother never joked around—especially when it came to business.

His brother had bailed him out of more than one mess that he had gotten himself into, and for that reason, he felt as though he owed him. But that wasn’t why he had taken the job. He accepted the job offer because it was the best he’d ever had. They were willing to let him head up the new risk assessment department at McTavish Industries and it came with a hefty salary. How could he say no? He couldn’t, so he took the job offer, after their first meeting, and he wasn’t about to second guess himself—at least not this morning since he was about to walk into the intimidating office building and start his first day.

Luke Tracy met him at the entrance, as promised, and took him back to security to get him signed in. “Your new assistant, Mina Flores is starting today too. Have you met her yet?” Luke asked.

“I have,” he admitted, “at Carrie and Evan’s wedding. She was Carrie’s maid of honor, and I was Evan’s best man, so we were kind of thrown together.” Not that he had any complaints about being tossed together with the raven-haired beauty. Mina was gorgeous and he had to admit, having to walk her down the aisle and dance with her wasn’t a hardship. Eli was just glad that he didn’t follow his gut and ask her out on a date because now, they were going to be working together every day and that would have been awkward, to say the least.

“It was a great day,” Luke said. “It was nice that Carrie’s father stuck around for the wedding.”

“Yeah, he’s a character,” Eli said. Carrie had convinced her father to stick around for the baby to be born, and he agreed. He had practically moved into her, and Evan’s house and Eli loved being invited over to hang out with her dad. “Jack’s a great guy.”

“Well, you’re going to be in training today with Mina, and then, I’ll show you to your office. You’ll be on the fifth floor. It’s where the entire risk assessment team will be housed.”

“Sounds great,” Eli sarcastically said.

Luke chuckled, “Yeah, I guess that being stuck in training all day doesn’t sound very glamorous, but I promise, it gets better.”

“I know, I’m just joking around,” Eli said.

“Sometimes I forget that you and Evan are nothing alike. You guys look so similar, but you have a sense of humor, and your brother—”

“Doesn’t,” Eli finished for him.

“I was going to say that, but as his friend, I didn’t want to sound like an ass,” Luke said.

“As his brother, it’s okay for me to call him names and sound like an ass. It’s expected, really,” Eli teased. “I’ve always liked giving my brother a little bit of hell.”