
The next morning Ford decided to call Tyler to put their plan into motion. It was a good plan and it had to work now that both his sister and the woman he loved were both expecting. Plus, he couldn’t wait to tell Tyler about the baby. He and Luci’s husband grew up together and were best friends, something that he almost blew when he found out that Luci and Ty were together. He acted like an ass back then, so a part of him understood why his sister was so upset about him and Journey. Once he accepted his best friend with his sister, he had to admit that they were good together. He was sure that if Luci gave him a chance to prove it to her, she’d see that he and Journey were good together too.

He was on his way to work when his cell phone chimed with a message from Tyler to call him when he got a chance. He quickly dialed Ty’s number and noted the panic in his friend’s voice when he answered.

“What’s wrong?” Ford asked.

“Luci is in the ER,” Tyler said.

“Wait—what?” Ford asked.

“She started having cramps and her doctor told me to bring her in to be checked. I’m scared, man,” Tyler admitted. “I’m worried about her and the baby.”

“I’m on my way over,” Ford assured. “I have to tell Journey about this. She’ll kill me if I don’t tell her.”

“Do what you have to do but get your ass to the hospital. Luci needs you both,” Tyler ordered.

“We’ll be there,” Ford promised, ending the call. He took a deep breath in and let it out while calling Journey.

“Hey,” she answered.

“Honey, I have something to tell you, and I need to know that you’re sitting down,” he said.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Just tell me,” she ordered.

“Luci is in the hospital. She was having cramps and Ty had to take her to the ER. She’s there now,” he said.

“Oh God, we have to go to her,” Journey said. “How could I have been so stupid—I shouldn’t have pushed her the way that I did?”

“What are you talking about?” Ford asked.

“I called her last night when you ran to the office for a few hours. I thought about what you said—you know about our kids growing up together, and when my call went to voicemail, I decided to leave a message.”

“What did you say?” he asked.

“I told her that I was sorry about keeping my feelings for you a secret from her all these years. Then, I told her that I was pregnant and that I knew that she was too, and I reminded her about our dream of having our kids grow up together. And before I ended the call, I told her that she was being stubborn and that we were wasting precious time that we’ll never be able to get back.”

“That’s a lot, honey,” he said.

“Well, it had to be said,” she defended. “I just never thought that she’d end up in the ER after listening to my message.”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” he said. Ford didn’t need Journey ending up in the ER bed next to Lucinda’s. He needed her to stay calm. “We don’t even know if she listened to the message. Let’s get over to the hospital and then, we’ll figure it all out.”

“You’re right,” she said. “Let me grab my purse and jacket. I’ll meet you in the garage. Just get here fast.” Ford was about ten minutes away and knew that he could make it in about five if he took a few shortcuts.

“I’ll hurry. We’ll take my truck,” he said. “Are you sure you’re all right?” he asked.

“I will be, as soon as I check on Luci,” she said. He felt the same way, but he didn’t want to let on how worried he was about his sister. For now, he’d have to stay positive for Journey—they’d get through the rest together.

* * *

Tyler met them in the emergency waiting room and he looked worse for wear. “How’s she doing?” Ford asked. Ty pulled them both in for a quick hug.

“She’s okay for now. They are monitoring both her and the baby,” he said. “I was so worried that we were going to lose her, but they said that the baby’s heartbeat is strong.”

“Her?” Journey squeaked.

“Yeah, we found out that we’re having a girl. Listen, I know that you want to see Luci, but she can’t have any stress. Do you think that you can keep things lite?” he asked.