A wide grin stretched across Duncan’s face. “Ye truly have become a fool for love, little brother.” He slapped Keir on the back and then wrapped an arm around his shoulders as he moved them both along farther down toward the water’s edge. “Ye love her, and she loves ye. ’Tis as simple as that.” He moved to step in front of Keir, his green eyes finding his. “By all means, allow her a few days to settle in, but then ask for her hand. Ye know what ye want. Dunna waste any more time. After all,” Duncan’s grin widened, “at yer age, ye’ve got no time to lose.”

Keir laughed, and he felt his heart grow lighter. “Ye’re one to talk,olderbrother. I dunna see a wife on yer arm.”

“Well, of course not,” Duncan exclaimed, a chiding look in his eyes. Yet, his lips still twitched with amusement. “I’m a warrior. I fight for our clan. You’re a lover.” Keir guffawed. “Ye ensure there’ll be a next generation.”

“And Magnus?” Keir asked, his sides aching from laughter.

Duncan scratched his chin, a gesture that reminded Keir of their father. “He’s a thinker. He watches over us all, one eye always on the future.” Duncan heaved a contented sigh, and together they turned their gaze away from the far sea and back toward their home. “Together, we’re strong and we shall brave every storm.” He met Keir’s gaze, giving a quick nod, reminding Keir that he was not alone and never would be. As always, his family would be at his side, supporting him in whatever he chose.

And deep down, he knew he had made his choice long ago.

His choice was Sarah.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Although Sarah had enjoyed the gathering the night before, she felt a tad apprehensive about setting foot outside her chamber the next morning. Still, she was determined not to hide, and so she made her way toward her sister’s chamber and invited them all for a walk outside. The sun shone overhead, and fluffy white clouds were pushed across the sky by a fierce breeze. Everyone tugged their cloaks tighter around them, and Kate wrapped Frederica tightly in her shawl, the little girl once more strapped to her chest. Kate had found it to be simpler to carry her daughter like this, allowing her arms to relax and her hands to be free if needed.

“I see friendly faces wherever I look,” Kate murmured once they had left the castle and followed the girls along the narrow path toward the beach. “I keep expecting to find someone glowering at me, but I do not.” A hopeful smile teased her lips, and Sarah could feel her sister’s exuberance return. There was something in her eyes that reminded Sarah of the girl Kate had been long ago. She had lost her faith in the world and the goodness of people years ago, but now, perhaps, this was a chance to retrieve it.

To begin again.

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes to start a new life.

From the path that led upward from the village, Eoghan and Bonnie appeared. The girl darted toward them without a moment’s hesitation. Eoghan, though, lifted his hand in greeting before he looked over his shoulder, addressing his sister. Kenna stood nearby, arm in arm with another young woman. Once again, the look upon Kenna’s face was far from friendly. The moment their eyes met, if only for a second, Sarah could not shake the feeling that the young woman was displeased to see her. More than that, that she disliked having Sarah here.

Perhaps I’m imagining it, Sarah thought to herself, remembering all the friendly faces she had seen this morning, all the happy greetings she had received. After the gathering, everyone knew their story and thus far, everyone had been beyond welcoming. Sarah would have never expected this, and so the young woman’s rejection bothered Sarah far more than she would have liked.

The three girls greeted one another with delighted squeals and then raced off down toward the beach. Laughing, Eoghan walked over, offering a warm greeting. “Bonnie has been speaking of her new friends all morning,” he remarked with a chuckle, his green eyes shining with delight, “and she dragged me out of the house the moment she had finished her breakfast.”

From the first, Sarah had liked Eoghan. He possessed such a cheerful disposition, such kindness in his eyes as he looked at Kate that Sarah could not help but adore him. Kate, however, seemed hesitant, and Sarah even thought to see suspicion in her eyes. Only too well did Sarah remember what it felt like to doubt the people around her. Even today, she still often wondered about people’s motivations, wondering if they had any hidden agendas. Thinking like that had become second nature to her, and it seemed that it had to Kate also. Only that was no way to live, to be happy.

“Will you walk with us, Eoghan?” Sarah inquired with a smile, stepping to Kate’s other side, hoping that prolonged conversation might ease Kate’s concerns. “The girls wish to return to the beach.”

Eoghan offered a polite bow. “’Twould be my pleasure.”

For a moment, silence lingered as they walked, and Sarah wondered what she could say to prompt a conversation. Then, however, Eoghan turned to Kate. “How is Frederica? She seemed quite in her element at the gathering last night.”

Kate smiled, gazing down at her sleeping daughter. “Yes, I’ve never quite seen her like that before. She truly seemed to enjoy herself.”

Eoghan chuckled. “When Bonnie was born, I thought children needed silence in order to sleep.” Laughing, he shook his head. “As it turns out, the more ruckus is around her, the better she sleeps.”

Kate chuckled, and Sarah thought to see the strain upon her features slowly ease away. Indeed, perhaps all her sister needed was to meet genuinely good and decent people.

And so, Sarah slowed her steps, and with each spoken word, she fell a little farther behind. Eventually, it made her realize how soothing the sudden quiet was. She listened to the wind and the seagulls above, and her eyes swept over the far horizon as her chest filled with the salted sea air.

At the top of the path, where it sloped down toward the water, Sarah stopped and then seated herself on a large rock. She watched the children run around, squealing and laughing, before their heads turned abruptly when suddenly Loki showed up out of nowhere. As always, the feline came and went as he pleased, sometimes disappearing for days before returning rather unexpectedly. Sarah wondered where he went on his expeditions, envying the freedom he possessed coming and going as he wished. How did he see the world? What places did he explore?

She wished she knew.

All of a sudden, Kate craned her neck, her eyes looking about until they fell upon Sarah. Seeing Kate pause, Sarah lifted her arm and waved, hoping Kate would not feel abandoned. However, it seemed Eoghan was good company as he quickly drew Kate’s attention away from whatever concerns might have found her in that moment. Before long, they continued their conversation, and Sarah felt herself relax. She pulled up her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs, sighing contentedly as she enjoyed the peaceful moment.

“’Tis a pleasant day, is it not?”

Startled, Sarah flinched, and for a brief moment, she thought it was Keir speaking to her; the voice sounded so familiar. Yet when she turned her head, she spotted Keir’s father, Aidan, standing only a few paces away, a warm smile upon his face.

“Yes, it is wonderful,” Sarah replied, suddenly feeling self-conscious again, wondering what to say.