Page 61 of Cursed with Fortune

“Maybe when you’re not so tipsy, big guy.” Vincent grabbed one arm and Ralph my other.

The dance hall filled with yelling and over all the noise, one statement sobered me up fast.

“There’s two lionesses fighting!”

“My Cilla!” I broke free of my friends and ran to see what happened. Crowds of people ran towards the gardens and then through them to just beyond, where two lionesses were locked in a fierce battle.

I charged through the crowd toward the battle, and Captain McGregor stopped me. My heart stopped when I saw them shoot Pricilla and she dropped to the side.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I shoved the captain and ran to her.

Guards were arresting and restraining the small group with the other lioness, and I dropped to my knees beside my girl.

“Cilla.” My hand pulled the dart from her side and I stroked her fur. “Baby, I’m here.”

“Mister Hammer, we need to get her inside for Red to check her over.” a small man placed his hand on my shoulder.

“I’ll carry her.” I growled and reached up to remove the collar.

I slipped my suit jacket off and covered her body. A minute later, the air shimmered and Pricilla became a woman again. I wrapped her up and then I lifted her in my arms and carried her back to the palace.

“She needs Doc.” My steps were unusually large to cover as much ground as I could quickly, without jostling her too much.

Ralph and Vincent met me and helped clear a path for us to get to the infirmary faster and they stayed with me while Doc and the nurses took blood, stitched her up, and treated all her wounds.

“She’ll be okay, Frank. She’s in excellent hands.” Ralph reminded me.

Outside the main room, a commotion caught my attention, and I saw Gretchen trying to come through.

“That’s her mother.” I let the guard know, and he let her join us.

“Is she okay?”

“They’re treating her now.” Vincent let her know, and she grabbed my hand.

We paced the room, staying out of their way, and once the nurses cleared out, Doc took his glasses off and looked at me.

“She’s going to hurt for a few days, but she’ll be okay.”

“What’s wrong with her?” Gretchen stepped in front of me.

“Well, she has a broken rib, stitches in three places - both arms and her right thigh. She can see her family doctor to get them removed, and she’ll just have to wait for the rib to heal.”

“Are you giving her anything for pain?” I placed my hands on Gretchen’s shoulders.

“We can’t. She’ll have to tough it out.” He slipped his glasses back on. “The good news is the tranq they used shouldn’t hurt the baby.”

I looked at him in confusion. “Whose baby?”

“Yours and hers, Mister Hammer.”

“What are you saying?”

Ralph and Vincent laughed, and Gretchen turned around to face me. “Frank. You and Pricilla are having a baby.”

A baby. We’re having a baby?

The room spun around me, and I fell the way I’d seen large trees go down. “Baby.” I mumbled, and darkness crept in.