Page 49 of Cursed with Fortune

“Iris’s daughter’s coronation.”

“A coronation. That needs something comfortable, but eye-catching against all the other gowns there. Where is the coronation?” I spoke more to myself, but to her at the same time.


My eyes widened in shock. “Princess Calliope?”

“Yes. She found a king and now it’s just about time.”

“I’d heard she was looking for a wedding dress.” Nodding, my eyes scanned the racks. “Tell me. What do you have in mind?”

“I’m taken with feathers. But that young fool kept trying to show me more matronly garments.”

“Ick. No one should ever wear matronly anything.” I put my finger on my lips as I eyed this woman.

“You need a bold blue, with peacock plumage, perhaps a palazzo pant, so you look kick ass but delicate.”

“Tell me, what material?” Ralph said behind me. “Better yet. Hera Darling, come with me and Cilla and we’ll get something perfect designed for you.”

“I like this one, Ralphie.”

“Ah, sheisspecial. She’s Frankie’s.” He winked as he led us through the department store.

We walked past racks of clothing, displays of shoes and a makeup counter that had everything anyone could ever need. The scents overwhelmed my sensitive nose, and I sneezed, tripping on my feet, and Ralph caught me.

“Darling, are you okay?” He held me out and checked me over.

“Yes. I’m just a klutz.” I frowned and toed the floor.

Hera linked her arm with mine and leaned in close. “Dearheart. Never. And I mean, never let anyone think you are less put together than you are. When you trip, look over your shoulder, brush it off and keep your chin up.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She placed her manicured hand under my chin and lifted my face up. “You are the missing princess.”

“I am. I don’t want to rule. I want to be a protégé of Mister Ralph London.”

Her eyebrow arched, changing her gorgeous face from kind to cold. “You would give up your birthright to follow your heart?”

I felt my cowardly nature creep in and I slunk back.

“Ah-ah.” She shook her head. “Pricilla Cowardly, if you are to make it in this industry, you need to find your mother’s backbone. Models are a particularly callous lot sometimes, as are your competitors.”

I nodded and wrapped my arms around my middle.

“Now. I ask again.” Her hands went to her hips. “You would give up your birthright to follow your heart?”

I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and looked her in the eyes. “Yes. My home and life are here. In Cloud City. With Frank.”

She smiled. “Good.” She motioned to Ralph. “Let’s go with him to the planning room.”

We disappeared from the sales floor and went into a special hallway where Ralph led us to the planning room.

He held out a chair for Hera. “We have just under a year to get you the perfect look, and I am sure with our sweet Cilla’s help, you’ll be the star.”

Talk about a dream come true. Here I am sitting with Ralph London and the Goddess Hera designing a one of a kind outfit for her.

It took hours of sketching, chatter and material choices, but we finally had a plan to craft the perfect garment. I didn’t know the time when I emerged and headed out to find Frank. Everyone I passed gave me a smile and when I stepped into the elevator, I could smell Frank. I could smell the combination of both of us, and the ardor I felt for him took over.