Page 13 of Cursed with Fortune

I took a slow breath and looked up at the woman. “Oh hey, Tamara. Enjoying the sun today?”

“I am. Can I share your blanket?” Her big green eyes sparkled at me.

“Um, sure.” I motioned for her to have a seat. “Not heading down to the Jungle yet?”

She scooted closer to me and her hand covered mine. “I’m not like the other girls, Frank.” She traced a manicured finger down my arm. “Ilikea man who’s full of brawn.” Her hand settled on my thigh. “A man who can pick me up and really love me.” She slid her hand up my thigh, letting her pinky finger trace the length of my dick.

Of course, it responded. The wind could blow just right and up it came. The moment I looked at Tamara, I softened again. I’d never made love to a woman, and when I do, I’d like it to be someone who holds sex in high regard as something private and intimate between lovers. Tamara has worked her way through most of the giants and word is she’s a meat chub in a throne room. That turns me off.

I took hold of her hand and held it in mine, smiling. “I understand exactly what you’re saying.”

“Frank, I’m serious. I don’t want to be everyone’s.” She batted her green eyes at me. “I’ve only ever wanted to be yours. But you never looked at me.” Her deep pink lips pouted. “Let’s at least have dinner? Let me show you what you’ve been missing.”

I’d been dodging Tamara for years. Maybe if I gave in and did one dinner, it would be easier to get her to go away.

“Okay. We can have dinner.” I let go of her hand and stood up.

“Great! How about I’ll surprise you some night?” She hopped up and wrapped her arms around me.

My arms awkwardly embraced her. “Um. Okay.”

“Sweet.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek, making my stomach churn. “Till then.” She released me and sauntered off.

“That looked cozy.” Vincent said, walking up.

“I need to get in the water.” I scowled. “I feel dirty.”

Vincent walked with me down to the water and we both ran in a few steps, then dove into the clear water. When we surfaced, he wiped the water from his face and narrowed his eyes at me. “What’d you do? Say yes to a date?”

I lifted my shoulders in a shrug and lifted my lip in defeat.

“No shit?” He shoved my shoulder as we tread the water. “Frank? Did you lose your mind?”

“No. She just won’t take no for an answer. So maybe if I do this, I can convince her I’m not who she thinks I am.”

He threw his back in a loud laugh. “Who she ‘thinks you am’ is the only motherfucker in the clouds she hasn’t fucked!”


Vincent laughed harder. “When’s the date?”

“She said she’d surprise me,” I shrugged.

“You’re too nice, Frank.”

Chapter Five


I woke from my nap with an enormous yawn and stretch. The house seemed too quiet, so I got down off the bookshelf and investigated. It didn’t take long to figure out I had the house to myself. I heaved a sigh and relaxed.

As I padded around my home, I found it to be spotless, organized, and masculine. The art on the walls were all different furniture pieces, the colors were blues and greens and there were no flowers inside.

I wandered into a spare bedroom and my paws sank in the deep green plush carpeting, and the bed had crisp white linens. Golden drapes framed the window, and it reminded me of home.

Sniffing the bed, I couldn’t detect another person’s scent. It smelled like brand new clean linen. I hopped up onto the bed and sat down to look around. There were two small trees in front of the window and the dresser had nothing on top.

When I wandered around during the night, I saw nothing that belonged to a woman.