Page 15 of Cursed with Fortune

And that’s how I dozed off. Stroking my beautiful cat and holding her warm, furry body beside my almost naked one.

I woke up sometime later when a rough tongue licked my wrist where my arm draped over her. It felt mostly good, but my wrist felt tender. The soft fur on her back warmed my torso and a smile spread across my face, knowing she was still beside me.

Poor baby must’ve been so tired. I wonder if she’s tasting me for later?

I gently patted her side, sliding my fingers along her ribs, when I felt her stiffen beneath my hand. Her tongue stopped moving and a soft growl emerged.

Well, let’s see how she responds.

“It’s okay baby girl, you’re safe.” I kept my hand on her side and held still in case she decided running off was what she wanted. “I’m not going to hurt you, baby.” I kept my voice low, crooning in her ear. “Who’s daddy’s sweet kitty?”

She relaxed, but not by much, and I resumed petting her.

“That’s my girl. Yes, daddy’s sweet girl.”

She licked my wrist again and purred softly.

“I’m gonna spoil you so much. I had an idea for a sweet cat bed, but I think I enjoy sharing my bed with you.” Wrapping my arm around her, I gave her a gentle squeeze. “You keep me warm.”

Her purrs increased, and I went back to stroking her fur. “I’ll have Vincent make you a new collar. I think one with chocolate diamonds to complement your beautiful fur.”

She leaned her head back and head-butted me.

“Anything you could ever want.” I pressed a kiss to her head. “This week I’ll have Red come up and check you out so I know my princess is healthy.”

At the mention of the best vet in the Forgotten Worlds, she flicked her tail in annoyance and growled.

“Easy baby girl.” I took a chance and scratched under her chin. “No surgery. Just a simple check-up.”

She pulled from me and then got up and wandered off, her tail still flicking in annoyance.

Well. At least I got to pet her.

Looking up at my clock, I noticed the time. What I thought might’ve been a nap lasted through the night, and now I needed to get up and head to work.

Going into my walk-in closet, I chose a navy blue suit and striped tie, then got dressed. My thoughts drifted to how I got where I was in life.

People enjoyed working for my father before me, and my grandfather before him, because we valued people, not money. That attitude made us a bunch of money, and as a result, we crushed our competition.

If you wanted the best furniture in all the land, sea and sky, you had Hidden Hammer Furniture. We made thrones for every royal in the Forgotten Worlds. The furniture we provided was affordable. We even outfitted the Gods and Goddesses on Olympus.

Picking up my briefcase, I left the closet and went to make sure Pricilla had food and water for the day, and then I set out an extra bowl of cream and left the house.

The drive to the main office had been quiet, and I enjoyed being one of the first people to arrive. It gave me a sense of ownership to know I could walk the factory first and check in on production and materials.

The security guard nodded to me as I used my keycard to enter through the private entrance in the back of the building and I took the small elevator up to the main floor. There was a spring in my step as I made my way to my office, where I set my briefcase down beside my desk and took a seat.

A soft sigh slipped out as I wished I was home, stalking my cat. Her fur was so soft, and I wanted to cuddle her some more. Looking down at my wrist, she left behind a small sore. She had licked me so long in the same place that it irritated my skin, but that was a small price to pay to be near her.

With a bump of my mouse, my computer came to life, and I sent out the orders we needed for more of Witchtastic Enterprises’ special fabric protector and then did my usual Monday tour to oversee operations. Glancing at my watch told me there were only ten more hours until I’d see my sweet Pricilla again.

Chapter Six

PricillaTwo months later

After I watched Frank leave for the day, I came out of my hiding place in the laundry room and padded my way to the food bowl. I sat down and took a bite, then decided I wasn’t hungry.

I went and hopped back up on the table he likes to sit at to sketch; I pawed through the drawings, still in awe of his skills.