Page 11 of Cursed with Fortune

Beyond that, Cloud City was peaceful. That’s what we all loved about it. The only people who lived up here were giants and the gods and goddesses. They were all pretty decent neighbors. Well,mostof the time. Sometimes when Zeus tied one on it could get pretty hairy up here.

I sat on the edge of my bed, removing my shoes and socks, and felt a small puff of air on the back of my heel. I smiled big.

Pricilla is under my bed.

I really hoped she liked it here. My last cat, Alfred, was an asshat. He hated to be touched in any form. He meowed all the time like he was in heat. And he made a game out of biting my toes when I tried to sleep.

I finished stripping and tossed my clothing into the hamper on my way to the shower.

I was lonely. It would be nice to think I’d meet a nice female giant and we could have a whirlwind romance and fall in love. Get married. Have babies. But most of the female giants didn’t want a husband. They were a strong, proud group who usually took off and lived somewhere in the Forbidden Jungle.

I washed my body and hair, then got out with a towel wrapped around my waist and heard a clatter in the kitchen. Holding on to my towel, I ran to see what she’d gotten into. Surprise filled me when I saw my trash can overturned, and I could hear yelling from beneath it.

She seemed to be shaping up to be quite the hunter. I dealt with the gnome and then refilled her cream bowl. In my eyes, she earned it. Then I went to take another shower to wash the pee off of me.

I had just settled into bed when I felt her eyes on me and I had to fight the urge to reach for her. My plan had been to act like I was asleep and let her do her sniffing, but then she brushed against my hand and I couldn’t stop my fingers from reaching out to pet her.

Then she scurried under the bed.

I blew out a hard breath and laid there.Time. She needed time to learn to trust me. And I needed to be patient.

My thoughts were scattered and then I heard muffled screams.

“I bet she got another one.” I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up and she crawled out from under the bed.

Slowly, I moved my hand to her chin, and she spit out the little gnome. “Good, Pricilla.” My other hand reached out to pet her, and she pressed her head into my caress, melting my heart.

After a few scratches, she dashed off, and I took the little gnome to join his friends in the cage. Once I had them settled, I poked my head into my sunroom and found my girl on top of a bookcase.

Maybe in the morning she’ll warm up more. I shrugged my shoulders and stumbled back to bed, crashing out for the night.

Once I woke up, I called pest control to come pick up the gnomes. Then I cooked breakfast. Not just for me, but for all of us. The youngins’ needed to eat too, and I wanted to make sure Pricilla had a nutritious breakfast.

Food seemed to be my in with her. She crept into the kitchen while I cooked and I felt her tail brush my legs. After I served the gnomes and her, I sat at the counter with my breakfast, and talked with Jamie, Arthur and Anthony while we waited. I knew they didn’t mean any harm; they were simply curious.

Hopefully, this would be the last I’d see of them, but as I said, with each new beanstalk brings a new set of pests. After everything quieted down, I went into my sunroom and sat at the table where I could work on my sketches.

I glanced up to where Pricilla hid on top of the bookshelf and saw her straining her neck to see what I was doing.

My cat is curious.

“Frank!” a deep voice boomed through my house. “Frank! You home?”

I sat back in my chair and tucked my pencil behind my ear. “Yeah, I’m in the sunroom, Vincent.”

My friend entered the room with two coffees and a small bag of pastries. “Did you find yourself a pussy?” He handed me a coffee and sat down in the chair across from me.

“I did.”

He set the bag down and smiled. “What did you get?”

“I have a beautiful lioness–she’s a tawny golden color, beautiful amber eyes. Scared shitless, though.”

“Aw, poor thing.” He tilted his head. “She hidin’?”

“Yeah. I’m trying to be patient and not scare her more.”

I looked right at her and saw her startle. Vincent followed my gaze and whispered in awe. “She is beautiful.”