Page 69 of Savage Roses

She does the same, wearing an elusive smirk on her heart-shaped mouth. The power shifts between us. Rather than me holding her hostage, she steals my thunder. She’s holdingmehostage with that mouth of hers—I can’t stop staring at it and its full shape, remembering how her soft, plush lips feel pressed to mine—

I clear my throat and shove a forkful of steak into my mouth to chew on. My sex drive has always been high, even for a male in my age bracket, but there’s something about Delphine that drives it up an extra hundred notches.

Something I’ve realized boils down to our chemical makeup. Our bodies simply being so compatible, they crave each other on a cellular level at all times.

Even sitting across from her at dinner, watching as her tight curls billow in the wind and the thin strap of her dress slips only half an inch down her otherwise naked shoulder, I’m turned the fuck on. I’m thinking about how I want to shove the plates and silverware off the table and pin her down, tear the satiny dress she’s wearing right off her.

Make her feel so damn good she whimpers my name…

One more time tonight before I do what I have to do.

But, as her dark, twinkling eyes catch mine and a smile glows across her gorgeous face, I’m also thinking about how much she means to me.

This woman I met so many years ago on a night that started off with me being an asshole.

My objective was to piss off Lucius. Not meet the love of my life.

I’d thrown a huge party, inviting the whole senior class at Westoria Prep, uncharacteristic of me, but worth it considering the carnage I’d caused. Never had I expected for the sweet, innocent daughter of Northam’s DA to turn up.

But there the girl was—I stepped out onto the balcony of my bedroom, and she was standing up to fucking Brett Gannon and the entire senior class. All on her own. Maybe, subconsciously, I fell in love with Delphine that night. Even if I didn’t know it yet. Some part of me certainly became… obsessed with her.

I’ve never told her before. The whole truth of it.

As we sit and gaze out at the night sky, sipping wine and enjoying a well-prepared steak, the compulsion strikes me. Tonight’s no regular night. Tonight’s… tonight’s…

That thought ends there.

Clearing my throat, I set down my knife and fork. “Phi… there’s something I want to tell you.”

“Okay,” she says, repeating my action. She puts down her utensils and sits poised, awaiting my news, the pedigreed background on display in moments like this. Her posture is straight and shoulders perfectly aligned. Her expression soft and neutral.

She’s so beautiful and graceful. How the fuck have I gotten so lucky? How the fuck has a woman like this fallen for a violent psycho like me?

Not only that, but followed me into this fucked up world of mine where certain death lurks around the corner?

It weighs down on me, pressing onto my chest harder than a steel anvil. I breathe through it and carry on.

“Phi, something I’ve never told you before… when I first met you. I wasn’t all the way honest. My intentions with you. I’m ashamed to say it now. But I was trying to get revenge on your father.”


As soon as the words tumble out my mouth, the weight builds. Itcrushesme.

My chest cinches with tension to the point I grit my teeth and fight to power through it. Her expression shifts slightly, morphing from neutrality to knitted-brow confusion. I rush to explain.

“But everything I ever told you was true—I respected you for being an individual. For standing up for yourself. You had guts. And I thought you were cute. You were a beautiful girl. I… I just… hated your father… and I thought… what better way to… get back at him than to…”

“Use me?” she finishes for me. Her tone is quiet and vague.

I blow out a breath and run a hand through my already slicked back hair. “I’m not proud of it. Which is why I’ve never mentioned it. But that was my original plan—yes. That first time I broke up with you? I should’ve known something was up even then.”


“Phi, you don’t understand. You, in tears. You had me. I was lost as fuck. I wanted to put my arms around you. I wanted to hold you and comfort you. Be your fucking boyfriend.That’swhen I knew I had to break up with you,” I explain. “You were having some kind of real effect on me, and I was powerless to stop it. Then, when we got back together? Do you… do you realize how…obsessedI was with you? I thought about you. All the time.”

“Why are you telling me all of this? Why now? After so many years?”

My fingers slide through my slicked strands some more and I take another second to think about it. “Because, you should know how I feel about you. That’s what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it? Me to be honest about it?”