Page 27 of Savage Roses

“Miss ADA, you okay going in by yourself?” he asks.

But I’m already rushing out the back door, hiding myself among a flurry of other working professionals.

Luxe on any night feels like a hive of bumblebees buzzing around with no end in sight. The crystals from the chandeliers sparkle, and the expensive drinks flow to match the high energy, one big never-ending loop of overindulgence.

Nobody cares. Everyone’s too busy networking. Listening long enough for their turn to talk.

I used to be one of these people—when I wasn’t locked away in my office, working late into the night on an upcoming trial.

I take care to position myself in a discreet corner, far out of sight from where Dad and Lena will be meeting.

Lena’s waiting on him. She’s by the bar, stirring the little straw in her cocktail. Every so often she tosses an uncertain glance over her shoulder, presumably checking if he’s arrived yet. She runs a hand through her short, white-blonde hair when she does, smoothing down strands that are already flat and thin against her scalp.

This isn’t a woman confident the man she’s seeing will show. This isn’t a woman whose been romantically involved with a man for years and feels comfortable with her standing in his life.

Quite the opposite.

The more I learn about this situation between Dad and Lena, the more confusing it becomes.

Dad arrives with the exasperated air of a man forced to participate in a menial chore. He garners several looks as he moves through the posh lounge, including the brightening eyes of several young female professionals who’d love nothing more than a fling with the mayor himself. He ignores the fanfare, even bypassing Lena.

I shrink in my seat and angle my body so I’m out of their sight.

It occurs to me at the same time it does Lena—he’s moving to a private room. One of three available at Luxe. They’re almost always empty, reserved only for the most prestigious VIPs. As Mayor, Dad qualifies.

Lena follows. So does a member of the staff. The door swings shut.

I sit up straighter, breathing out in relief. This works better in my favor. While I won’t be able to watch them like I would’ve if they sat at the bar, I’ll still be able to listen. Only now it’ll be without worrying about either of them chancing a glance in my direction.

Volume turned up on the app, I listen live as Dad and Lena order drinks. They wait until the staff member exits the room before breaking into real conversation.

“You are late again, Ernest,” Lena scolds in her thick accent. “Do you think it is amusing to leave me waiting?”

“I’m a busy man. You know that.”

“This was at your request. You are not the only one who has a busy life.”

“It’s fair to say our lives are very,verydifferent, Lena.”

There’s a condescending edge to his tone that makes me cringe. It leaves me wishing I could see their expressions, read their body language as they share this exchange.

A beat of tense silence passes and then—

“What is this about?” Lena snaps.

“We have to speed things up. It’s not working out the way we envisioned.”


“Lena, there’s no time—”

“The last time we took a risk, it did not end well.”

“I’ve been patient. I’m tired of waiting.”

“I said no. It is not possible. It is too soon.”

“You’ve always known it would come down to this!” Dad snarls, followed by the thud of what sounds like a fist against the table.