Page 44 of Flower

“We are not back together, Mom.”

“Nonsense.” She waves me off, then looks back to the poor unsuspecting doctor. “Why are you still standing there? My daughter is here to take me home. Either you bring me those discharge papers, or I will just leave without them.”

“I will be back shortly, Mrs. Richards,” he replies flatly, then disappears through the curtains.

“Where is my mom?” Logan asks.

“She left about twenty minutes ago,” she responds. “She had a meeting with some charity she’s been trying to raise funds for. She offered to stay, but I told her to go.”

Logan nods as the curtains slide open and the doctor appears, holding the discharge papers in hand. Looks like they are ready to get her out of here as much as she wants to leave.

“Your discharge papers are ready, Mrs. Richards,” he informs her.

“Well, it’s about goddamn time.”

Loganand I didn’t speak another word to each other on the drive back to my house. Not that we would have gotten a word in edgewise with my mother’s incessant complaining about her so-called poor treatment by the hospital staff.

She managed to wear herself out by the time we pulled into my driveway and had just dozed off when Logan put the car into park.

“Mom.” I shake her awake. She blinks and looks around, confused for a moment before realizing where she is, then lets out a grunt. “Come on. Let’s get you inside.”

Logan helps me get her out of the car and into the house. She shakes herself out of his hold and makes a beeline straight for her favorite sofa, flopping down onto it and almost falling asleep instantly.

“I can hang around for a while if you want,” Logan suggests as we watch her from the foyer, and I turn to him, shaking my head.

“It’s fine. She will probably sleep for a while now. There’s no reason for you to be here.”

“Yes, there is.” He speaks earnestly, and I refrain from looking up into his deep-brown eyes. “I know how hard this is for you, and I want to be there for you.”

“Logan,” I sigh as a lump forms in my throat. I’m feeling way too vulnerable right now and having him here, being that pillar of strength that he always was, is testing every ounce of my strength. “I really appreciate your help today, but this doesn’t change anything between us. You need to go.”

He breathes a heavy sigh but doesn’t push any further and nods his head, making his way to the front door. Stopping at the threshold with his back still turned to me, he glances over his shoulder. “I still love you, Avabell, and I will never give up on us. Even if you already have.”



Rolling onto my stomach and laying my book out in front of me, I bite my bottom lip in anticipation as the characters in my book lean in for a kiss. Mason mumbles something inaudible, and my eyes swing over to where he is seated at his desk, a deep frown etched on his face as he scribbles on the paper in front of him.

It’s Friday afternoon, and once I finished teaching Ali how to do a side aerial, I popped up here to say goodbye to Mason, only to have him beg me to stay. I could see he was studying for the calculus test on Monday, and I really didn’t want to distract him, so I grabbed my book and decided to make myself comfortable on his bed until he was finished.

Watching his forehead relax as he figures out the answer, I fix my attention back on my book and start mindlessly humming “Lover” by Taylor Swift as the characters begin to engage in some seriously hot foreplay.

Mason blows out a long breath, tapping his pen on the page, and I look over to him again, worried that I’m distracting him. “Are you okay over there? Am I distracting you?”

“No, it’s not you. It’s integrals,” he grumbles. I shift off the bed and head over, sitting down next to him.

“Do you need any help?” I ask, looking over his work and already seeing where he is going wrong.

“Don’t you need to study?”

“I will probably do a quick review on Sunday night.”

“Is that what you always do?”

I shrug. “Pretty much.”

“Oh, teach me your ways, wise one,” he quips, and I smirk, grabbing a pen.