Page 31 of Flower

“Bullshit, nothing! I’m sick of this. We are done, and if you don’t back off, I’m going to have no other choice but to slap you with a damn restraining order.”

“Are you kidding me right now?” he exclaims. “You would seriously do that?”

“Yes, I would.”

His shoulders slump, and for a moment there, I see a hint of hurt flash across his face. But anger quickly reemerges and muttering out a curse, he rakes his fingers through his hair. “Fine,” he concedes, then throws his hands up in the air. “Fuck this!”

“Jesus,” Cadence drawls out as we watch Logan storm off. “That certainly went well.”

“Yeah, it was fabulous,” I grumble sarcastically, then turn around to face Mason.

“Are you okay?” he asks, searching my face with concern.

My heart flutters in my chest at the way he is looking at me. The worry is evident, but there is also an intensity in his eyes that makes me feel as though I’m genuinely important to him. I give him a warm smile in reassurance. “I’m fine. Thank you, Mason.”

“Anytime.” He smiles back. “See you in class?”

I nod my head, and he flashes me a wink before heading back over to his locker. I look back to Cadence and Chelsea, who are watching me with their jaws practically hitting the floor.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit!” Cadence exclaims with wide eyes.


“What is going on with you and Mason Reynolds?”

“Nothing,” I scoff, putting the flower back in my locker, grabbing my books, and closing the door.

“Oh, come on!” She rolls her eyes in disbelief. “That’s the second time he has swooped in to save the day.”

“We are friends. He was just looking out for me.”

“Friends don’t look at you like they want to eat your face.”

“You’re delusional,” I reply, dismissing her claim and ignoring the giddy flutter in my stomach. “We are working on an English paper together. There is nothing more to it.”

Cadence folds her arms and proceeds to tap her foot. “I don’t believe you.”

Already getting tired of her interrogation, I decide to head to class. “Quit hounding me. I’m going to class. See you guys at lunch.”

Waving them off, I hear Cadence let out a frustrated huff as I walk away.

* * *

“I can’t believethey are sitting with them,” Chelsea mutters as I sit down next to Eric at the lunch table.

“Who cares,” Nate drawls, dismissing whatever it is she is complaining about. “I’m more concerned with the shit they put in this salad. I mean, what the fuck is this anyway?”

He holds up a piece of kale on his fork, examining it as if it’s a science experiment.

“It’s kale,” Cadence tells him.

“What on earth is kale?” He frowns. “Is it safe to eat?”

Cadence blows out a breath. “Yes, it’s safe to eat, you idiot. Just eat it. It’s good for you.”

“Fuck that.” He drops the kale back onto his plate and stabs a piece of cucumber.

“Why are you eating salad anyway?” I ask him.