Page 95 of Flower

“What if I say no?”

“That is entirely up to you. I’m not forcing you to go through with it. You either want him, or you don’t. I’m merely trying to come up with a solution that may result in us both getting what we want.”

“Even if I do manage to seduce him. It doesn’t mean he will leave her for me.”

“True, but maybe tapping into your powers of persuasion might change his mind.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you are successful in seducing him, it would be interesting to see if he would confess his indiscretion to Ava or... would he be more inclined to negotiate a way to buy your silence?”

“What are you suggesting? That I blackmail him into having an affair with me?”

“It would only be temporary.” I shrug. “All cheaters get caught eventually. The way I see it, perhaps this will give you a chance to really sink your claws into him so that by the time she discovers your affair, he will have no hesitation in walking away from her. That is, of course, unless he chooses to walk away beforehand.”

She looks out the window, tapping her fingers on her chin as the wheels turn in her head, and after some time, she nods her head. “Okay. Fuck it. It’s worth a shot.”

She tucks the pills into her bag then stands up to leave.

“Hadley,” I say, stopping her before she walks away. “We need to keep this conversation between us. If anyone found out about this, you do realize it would blow both our chances, right?”

“Do you think I’m an idiot?” She rolls her eyes, placing her bag on her shoulder. “Well, I guess I will let you know if this twisted little scheme of yours is a success.”

* * *

“I got your message,”I say as Hadley sits down next to me on the bench outside of school. With only minutes until the bell rings, signaling the start of the day, most students have already made their way inside, giving us the privacy we need.

It’s been two weeks since our meeting in the library, and I won’t deny that I’ve been anxious to hear if she has managed to pull off our plan.

“I figured you would like to hear the good news,” she says, turning toward me and resting her arm on the bench, getting comfortable.

“What happened?”

“The ecstasy worked a treat. He was putty in my hands about an hour after it hit. Luckily Ava left the party early, so I could put the plan into action without her interfering. It was easier than I thought. Who would have known a little ecstasy would be all it took to get the great Logan Spencer to stray?” She snickers, shaking her head. “I should have tried this months ago.”

“How did he react after?” I ask.

“Oh, he freaked out. He said it was a mistake and that it would never happen again. That was, of course, until I showed up at his house on Sunday while his parents were out.” She smirks, and I arch my brow at her, intrigued. “Well, after he fucked me up against the door, he pleaded with me not to tell Ava. So I told him that his secret was safe with me under the condition that he continues to fuck me until I say otherwise.”

“Did he agree to it?”

“He didn’t hesitate. In fact, I think it turned him on.” She smiles mischievously. “Sometimes it’s just so good to be bad.”

The bell rings, and we both stand up, collecting our bags.

“So I guess this is where we part ways,” Hadley says. “So, what are you going to do now?”

Adjusting my bag on my shoulder, I give her one last look before heading inside. “Now, I will wait for him to get caught.”

“I can seethis comes as a bit of a shock.”

“You think?” I stammer, “How… how did you find out?”

“You are not the only one good at spying on people, and you really shouldn’t have discussed your plans at school of all places.” She rolls her eyes.

“What are you going to do?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

“I’m going to tell her, of course!” The sweet smile she is giving me contradicts the malice dripping in her tone.