Page 94 of Flower

I’d been so caught up in the whirlwind of finally having Ava in my arms that the events of the past had become a distant memory. So much so that I almost convinced myself that they didn’t happen. I’d pushed my past sins into the far reaches of my mind and basked in the glory of having the only girl who owned my heart. But the reality is, each sin we commit comes at a price, and we all must face that time of reckoning for our transgressions. I knew this. And with Lily standing in front of me right now, holding my future in her hands, I realize that time has come.

“Okay, so I’m here,”Hadley mutters, flopping down on the sofa across from me in a huff. “What on earth is so important that I had to come to the library during lunch to talk to you?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Logan Spencer.” I get straight to the point, and her eyebrows rise.

“What about him?”

“It’s obvious that you want him.”

Folding her arms across her chest, she pins me with a glare. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

“True.” I nod. “But from what I have seen, the feeling is very mutual.”

“Yeah, right.” She rolls her eyes. “That little princess he is with has the guy by the balls.”

“Perhaps he just needs a little push.”

“Believe me, I have tried. We flirt constantly, but he won’t budge—” She pauses, leaning forward and tilting her head while looking at me skeptically. “Why are we having this conversation? What interest do you have in this? You barely speak to anyone, let alone show an actual interest in the love lives of the students in this school.”

“I’m just curious. There is definitely chemistry between you both, and I can’t help wondering why you haven’t sealed the deal.”

She continues to study me for a moment before relaxing back in her seat and blowing out a breath. “Well, if you really must know, every time I have managed to get him alone, he turns me down. I know he wants me, and it frustrates the hell out of me that he is holding back. I don’t understand why he insists on being so loyal to that little bitch.”

Anger courses through my veins, and I grit my teeth, fighting back the urge to unleash my fury on her for calling Ava that. Giving myself a mental pep talk, I take a calming breath and pull myself together before I completely blow my whole plan out of the water.

“Maybe he needs a little help to lower his inhibitions.”

“What do you mean?” Hadley asks with a frown.

Glancing around the library to make sure no one is watching, I reach into my pocket, pull out a packet of pills, and then hold them out to her.

Her brows furrow deeper as she tentatively reaches over, taking them in her hand and examining the packet. “What is this?”

“MDMA,” I reply. “It increases dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels in the brain, heightening the senses, lowering one’s inhibitions, and increasing the sex drive.”

“You want me to drug him with ecstasy?” she whisper-yells incredulously.

“No. I want you to offer it to him when the opportunity arises.”

“I don’t want to have to drug a guy to convince him to be with me.”

“He won’t be inebriated. He will be very well aware of his actions; he will just be more likely to follow through with it.”

She looks back at the pills for a moment before meeting my eyes again, seeming somewhat irresolute. “Where did you get these? Are they safe?”

“I would rather not mention my sources, but I assure you that they do come from a reputable dealer who is known for selling top-of-the-line products.”

“Why are you doing this? What are you going to get out of it?”

“I have my reasons.”

Her eyes widen as if it suddenly dawns on her. “It’s Ava, isn’t it? You have a thing for her.” I don’t answer, and taking my silence as confirmation, she continues, “Even if I manage to pull this off, there is no guarantee you will get Ava. I mean, come on, Mason. No offense but you aren’t exactly her type.”

“How would you know?” I fire back. “You’re not exactly friends with her, are you?”

“No, I’m not,” she agrees. “I’m just saying that this plan of yours is quite extreme for a guy who I don’t think she even knows exists. You may not get what you want out of this.”

“That’s not for you to worry about.”