Page 87 of Flower

Looking back at Eric, I give him a big smile. “Yep.”

“Well, welcome to the fold, man,” Eric says, holding out his hand to Mason in a friendly gesture. Mason looks down at his hand and hesitates for a moment. I bite the inside of my cheek as the air around us suddenly becomes tense.

Eric is by far one of my closest and kindhearted friends. He is a lot like me and has never participated in any of thetakedownsthat our friends seemed to enjoy. He is the one friend I’ve been hoping Mason would warm up to.

The tension passes, and a smile forms on Mason’s face. He takes Eric’s hand and gives it a shake. “Thank you”

I exhale a sigh of relief and beam at both of them

“So, I thought you might like to know thatSeventy Eightyis playing at Drew’s next Saturday.”

“Serious?” I smile with excitement.

Seventy Eightyis our favorite cover band who plays music from the seventies and eighties, but with a modern twist added to it. Even though it is old music, how they transform each song into something new and upbeat really brings them back to life. We absolutely love it and always have a blast every time we see them. Eric’s cousin Drew owns a bar in down Tacoma calledBar Unhinged. Seeing as we are all technically under the legal drinking age in the state of Washington, we are only allowed in under the strict rule that we behave ourselves.

“Sure am.” Eric smiles back at me. “You down?”

“Hell yeah, I am.”

“Sweet. How about you, CK?” He looks to Mason, who shrugs his shoulders.

“Maybe. We will see,” Mason responds flatly, and Eric looks back at me. I roll my eyes and slink my arm around Mason’s waist, snuggling into him.

“I will work on this one.” I pat his chest and look up to him with a sweet smile, and Mason harrumphs.

“Well, I will leave you two lovebirds to it.” Eric chuckles, planting a kiss on my cheek and hearing Mason growl, flashes him a sly grin. “You joining us in the cafeteria today, CK?”

“That would be a definite no,” Mason grumbles.

“Okay, fair enough, man.” Eric chuckles again. “I will catch you guys later then.”

Eric struts off down the hall, and I look up to Mason, who plants a kiss on my nose. “You ready for what today brings, Flower?”

I give him a warm smile and stand up on my tippy-toes, giving him a quick peck on the lips. “With you by my side, I’m ready for anything, Superman.”

* * *

The morning has been relativelyuneventful. It’s been pretty boring, actually. I don’t know if this is the calm before the storm, but Logan has been keeping his distance so far, and everyone’s initial shock of seeing me with Mason is practically old news already.

The bell rings for the lunch break, and with my bladder on the verge of exploding, I make a quick detour to the bathroom before hitting the cafeteria.

After relieving myself, I step out of the stall and head straight over to the basin to wash my hands. A toilet flushes in one of the other cubicles, followed by the door opening, and Lily steps out. Her eyes land on mine in the mirror as she makes her way over to the basin and washes her hands.

An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air as we turn the taps off and dry our hands. I could make an effort to ease the tension by making civil conversation, but I honestly don’t see the point.

We are never going to be friends, and with the way her eyes are drilling holes into me right now, I have no doubt she is trying to perform some kind of Jedi mind trick that has me packing up and leaving the country so that she has Mason all to herself.

“So, I see the cat is finally out of the bag.” She finally speaks, turning to face me and leaning against the vanity.

“I guess we have you to thank for that.” I turn to face her and fold my arms across my chest.

“Nothing stays a secret around here,” she scoffs, then taps her chin as if in thought. “Then again, maybe some things do.”

Confusion sets in at the innuendo in her tone, and my brows furrow. “And what secrets might that be? If you’re referring to your little crush on Mason, that hasn’t been a secret for some time.”

“And I never intended for it to be. That’s not the secret I am referring to.”

My brows rise, and I tilt my head. I watch as her lips curl up into a smirk, and beginning to get tired of her bullshit already, I decide to cut to the chase. “I’m not interested in playing games, Lily. If you have something to say, then just say it.”