Page 78 of Flower

I have wanted her so bad for so long, and I’m completely fucking this up.

What the hell is wrong with me?



After taking a shower in record time, I jump into my truck and head straight to Ava’s house. The image of her looking so distraught plays over in my mind, making my stomach twist in regret. I was right to call her out on everything, but I could have dealt with it differently. Very differently.

I didn’t need to hurt her like that.

I never should have listened to that fucker. It was like he could see right through me, pinpointing every doubt and insecurity that had been plaguing me for weeks. He saw the jealousy smoldering beneath the surface and took great pleasure in stoking it into flames. And there was only so much I could take before I completely lost it.

Her confession was bittersweet. I’m glad I finally know, but it’s not the way I wanted to find out. I wanted her to want to tell me.

My hands grip the steering wheel, turning my knuckles white as regret continues to gnaw at me.

Fuck. I shouldn’t have forced her. I should have listened and let her tell me when she was ready, and I’m praying to God I haven’t just blown what we have.

I can’t lose her.

If I have to crawl on my hands and knees to beg for her forgiveness, then so be it.

I’ve barely turnedoff my truck before I’m out the door and running up the stairs to her porch. Hesitating for a moment, I inhale a deep breath to calm the flurry of nerves wreaking havoc on my insides before reaching up and ringing the doorbell.

The distinct sound of high heels clicking on the floor inside can be heard approaching the door, and I run my fingers through my hair in anticipation of its opening.

Suddenly, the clicking sound becomes fast and erratic, and someone hits the door with a heavy thud, vibrating the hinges and causing me to jump back.

What the hell?

Silence follows and starting to get concerned for whoever is on the other side, I lift my hand to knock again when the door swings open and a woman with blonde hair stands before me.

Her eyebrows pinch together as she looks me up and down for a moment before fixing me with an icy glare. Gripping the door tighter, she sways back and forth, holding a wineglass in her other hand, the liquid spilling over the rim with her movements.

“What the hell do you want?” she snaps.

“Uh…” I swallow. “Is Ava home?”

“Ava? Why do you w…ant to see h…er?” she slurs. “Who are you?”

Waving her wineglass in front of me, more of its contents spill out onto the floor. She is absolutely rip-roaring drunk, and with the striking resemblance to Ava, it doesn’t take much to figure out that this is her mother.

“I’m Mason. A friend of hers.”

Footsteps approach from behind her. “Mom. Who is at the door?” Ava asks, pulling the door away from her to open it wider. Her mother stumbles, having just lost the stability the door provided but quickly corrects herself as Ava’s eyes widen upon seeing me standing there.

“Who the hell is this boy?” her mother barks, snapping her attention back to her.

“His name is Mason.”

“Why is he h...ere?” she demands. “What does he want?”

“He is here to see me.”

Ava twirls a strand of hair between her fingers as her mother looks back and forth between us before narrowing her eyes. “Does Logan know about this? I don’t think he would be happy about strange boys coming to see you.”

“It doesn’t matter what he thinks. We broke up, remember?”