Page 74 of Flower

“Hell no,” I grumble. I hate the fucking cafeteria. “Are you coming to the library? I really could use your help with calculus. Those damn integral equations are fucking with my head.”

“Uh-huh,” she muses, not believing a single word. Of course, I’m lying. But even if I wasn’t, there is no way in hell I would spend my time with her talking about calculus. “I will have a quick bite to eat and then meet you there. But let’s get out of here before someone spots us.”

She opens the door and peers out the crack. Hearing the classroom doors open, she tugs on my arm and pulls me out of the closet, just as students spill out into the hall.

“Ava,” Eric calls out, strolling over and wrapping an arm around her shoulder, instantly making my back go stiff. He spots me standing there and gives me a warm smile. “Hey, man. You want to join us for lunch?”

“No, I’m good,” I reply flatly, and he shrugs, turning his attention back to Ava.

“Ready to go, baby girl?”

“Yeah,” she replies. “See you around, Mason.”

She gives me a parting smile before he leads her away, his arm still draped over her shoulder, the sight of his hands on my girl making me ball my fists.

It should be me with my arm around her right now. I should be the one leading her down the hall, and the fact that I can’t has been eating away at my insides more every day. I want to be able to hold her hand as we walk into school. I want to kiss her before we head into class. I want everyone to know she is mine, and I don’t care what anyone thinks or what kind of backlash we will receive from that dickhead ex of hers.

As fun as it has been sneaking around, I’ve grown weary of it, just like I’ve grown weary of the fact that she won’t open up to me. She still won’t tell me what caused the fight between Hadley and her. And anytime I broach the subject, she shuts it down.

I have been pushing more than usual this week to meet at her house instead of mine, but she constantly comes up with excuses, and it has started to create a lot of tension between us.

What exactly is it that she’s hiding?

Why won’t she tell me?

I have no doubt that whatever it is that Logan knows and the thought of him knowing all her secrets while I’m still left in the dark is causing resentment and jealousy to fester inside to the point of bitterness.

I want to be the one who knows everything about her.

I want to be involved in every aspect of her life, good or bad.

Watching as she disappears around the corner, I let out a sigh and head straight to the bathroom. It’s empty when I enter, and with my dick still semierect, I do my best to take care of business.

As I’m zipping up my fly, the door to the bathroom slams shut with a loud bang, and I spin around, spotting Logan—flanked by Connor and Hunter Bradley—standing by the door. And judging by the murderous expressions on their faces, they are not here for a friendly game of chess.

I’m guessing Wizard’s Chess is on the agenda.

My instincts immediately go into high alert as I assess the situation. Three on one will be tough, and I’m going to have to keep my wits about me to figure out which one will launch the first attack.

I already know that if this escalates, they will work as a team. One of them will restrain me while the others do their worst.

Keeping myself calm and stoic, I stroll over to the basin and casually wash my hands, keeping sight of their movement in my peripheral vision.

After drying my hands with paper towels, I toss them in the trash then turn, facing them head-on, folding my arms across my chest.

“Logan.” My eyes lock on his, blatantly ignoring his counterparts.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?” he snarls, and my posture stiffens.


Unless we have been caught unaware, which I doubt very much as we have been discreet as hell, she’s the only one who knows. She swore she would keep her mouth shut, but it looks like her promises are worth shit. “I thought I told you to keep your hands off her?”

“I don’t recall agreeing to it,” I deadpan, and his brows rise as his eyes bore into mine.

After a spell of silence that feels like an eternity, his expression darkens. “That’s true you didn’t. So have you fucked her yet?” He pauses, his lips twisting into a sadistic smile. “Was she your first fuck?”

Connor and Hunter snicker and Logan flashes them a look of amusement before turning his attention back to me. “Considering you have never had a girlfriend, I’m going to assume she was.”