Page 64 of Flower

“Uh-huh.” I smile, then roll on top of her, giving her bottom lip a nip. “Now, first things first. I do believe it’s later.”

“Later?” She frowns.

“Yeah. You told me I could give you another orgasm later?” I rub my nose against hers. “It’s now. Later.”

“It’s a bit messy down there.” Her face scrunches up, pointing out my cum coating her thighs, and I look down, feeling a certain sense of pride at the sight of my mark on her. “We should probably take a shower first.”

“Hmm. Eating pussy in the shower. I like that idea.” I smirk, then shift off the bed. Reaching out, I grab her by the waist, and she lets out a squeal when I throw her over my shoulder.

“Save the screaming for the shower, Flower.” I spank her backside, and she lets out another squeal as I carry her through the bathroom.



Orgasms are amazing. No, scratch that. Orgasms are fucking magnificent. More people should sing songs about them. Heck, maybe I will, even though I couldn’t sing a tune to save my life.

Mason gave me a total of four orgasms that night we spent at the harbor.

Four mind-blowing orgasms.

And it would have been five if I hadn’t begged him to stop. He insisted on going for five, but by the way he had my heart pounding like a bass drum; I was genuinely concerned he was going to send my poor little eighteen-year-old organ into cardiac arrest.

I’ve been floating on cloud nine ever since and haven’t been able to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

My stupid grin definitely didn’t go unnoticed this morning on the drive to school. My girls interrogated the crap out of me, asking me what the hell I got up to this weekend that had me grinning like an idiot.

Luckily I managed to ward them off with multiple excuses and deflections into different conversations. Cadence and Chelsea bought it for the most part. But Lyndsey didn’t buy it at all, and by the way, she was looking at me as we parted ways in the halls just now; I know she will drill me further on it later.

As I open my locker, I see my pink flower there waiting for me, just like always, and that stupid smile on my face spreads even wider.

“Good morning, Flower,” Mason’s gruff voice speaks as he leans against the lockers next to me, casually crossing his ankle over his foot. My heart skips a beat as I look up at his plump lips, remembering all too vividly how those plump lips created all sorts of magic between my legs. Moisture instantly starts to pool in my panties and feeling my face flush, I quickly turn away.

Picking up the flower, I wave it in front of him. “Thanks for the flower.”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replies, flashing me a smirk as he eyes my pink cheeks.

Damn it. I really hate how I blush so easily.

“So our English paper is due today,” I say, trying to divert the conversation and somehow pull my mind out of the gutter.

“I know. I emailed it to Miss Brennan this morning.”

“I still think we should have added a romantic element to the story.”

“Miss Brennan told us that the romance had to be clean. I didn’t see the point.” He shrugs.

“What do you mean? What’s wrong with clean romance?”

“It’s boring.”

“It is not,” I argue. “A romance novel doesn’t need explicit sex for it to be brilliant.”

“Oh yes, it does,” he scoffs. “If I have to suffer through all that lovey-dovey bullshit, I should at least get some literary porn out of it.”

I snort. “Literary porn?”

“Yes. Literary porn. In fact, if authors just cut the romance out of their books altogether and made them all about fucking it would be the perfect novel.”