Page 54 of Flower

Perhaps I’m just growing up, maybe faster than my friends due to everything I’ve been through. And the more I think of it, the more I can’t think of any reason why I shouldn’t give things with Mason a go. He may not connect with my friends, but he connects with me.

As the beat of Kygo’s “Fragile” reaches a crescendo, it’s brought to an abrupt stop when a call comes through on my Bluetooth. Glancing at the screen, I see it’s a number I don’t recognize, and out of curiosity, I tap the screen to accept the call.



That fluffy white cloud turned gray cloud has now just turned into a goddamn storm at the sound of Logan’s voice penetrating through the speakers of my car, instantly making my back go stiff.

“What the hell, Logan? You do realize that when someone blocks your number, it’s usually because they don’t want to talk to you?” I snap only to be met with silence. “What number are you calling from anyway?”

“You blocked me, so I got a new phone,” he replies casually like it’s no big deal that he deliberately bought a new phone just so I would answer.

“Where are you?” He continues, “You didn’t show up at Nate’s for cards and pizza.”

Once a month, Nate invites us all over for cards and pizza. It’s basically a monthly catch-up to chill out and have a quiet night with just our group. We have been doing it since we were fourteen, but that so-called chill-out session has evolved into drinking and games of strip poker over the years.

“I was busy,” I respond bluntly.

“Well, I went over to your house, and you weren’t there, so where have you been?”

“What, are you stalking me now?”

“Why are you avoiding the question?”

“I’m not. It’s just none of your business.”

“Were you withhim?” His deep voice growls, the venom in his tone bleeding through the phone line.

“Like I said, it’s none of your business.”

His voice hisses a muffled curse like he pulled the phone away from his face and my grip on the steering wheel tightens as anger starts to brew. “Is there something going on between you two, Ava?”

“For fuck’s sake, Logan,” I snap, the anger brewing now boiling to the surface. “Why do you even care? Do you think I don’t know you’re still fucking Hadley?”

Silence fills the car for a moment as I wait for his response. The truth is, I don’t know if he’s still fucking her. But I’m assuming he is, so I’m hoping he takes the bait and gives me the leverage I need to force him to back off.

“Who told you?”

I fucking knew it.

Son of a bitch.

My jaw clenches as I grind my teeth in a desperate attempt to keep my shit together and not completely lose the plot at him while I’m still trying to keep my car on the road.

“You just did,” I fire back.

His heavy sigh exhales through the phone line before speaking softly. “Ava, it’s nothing, okay? She means nothing to me. It’s just—”

“You are un-fucking-believable! So it’s okay for you to move on, but it’s not okay for me? Don’t you think you’ve put me through enough already? Why can’t you just leave me the fuck alone?”

“So you’re admitting it then?”

“I’m not admitting anything.”

The sound of his rapid breathing rings heavy through my car speakers. “Tell me, Ava,” he snarls. “Is there. Something. Going. On. Between you and Mason Reynolds?”

“And I told you it’s none of your fucking business,” I spit back.