Page 27 of Flower

“Oh my god, that would be amazing. Can you teach me how to do a roundoff back handspring?”

“Absolutely. We can work on your routine for tryouts, too, if you like. I know what they are looking for and can give you some tips on how to impress them.”

“You would do that?”

“Of course.” I smile at her, and she squeals with excitement, jumping up and down on her seat.

“Thank you so much.”

“I want to be a football player,” Nix chimes in, shoving a big chunk of meatloaf in his mouth.

“I think you would make an amazing football player.” I smile at him, and he beams back at me with pride.

Something brushes against my leg, and looking down, I see the little dog from earlier dressed in aSpider-Mancostume. “Hey, little guy,” I croon, reaching down to pat him, trying to figure out his breed.

A Maltese, maybe?

“That’s the infamous Bernie. Cell phone thief,” Ali grumbles.

“He is not a thief. He isSpider-Man,” Nix snaps defensively.

“Well, he was a pirate yesterday, and pirates steal stuff,” Max counters.

“He didn’t steal a cell phone yesterday,” Nix fires back, and Max scoffs. I look down at Bernie in confusion.

How often do they dress this little guy up?

“Nix likes to dress him up as a different character every day,” Mason tells me, noticing my puzzled expression, then returns to his food.

The restof dinner continues with everyone talking, laughing, and the occasional argument. I laugh along with them, the conversation flowing freely, and I don’t think I ever remember having this much fun at a dinner table before.

I’m laughing at a joke Max just told me when I look over and spot Mason watching me with a small smile, his eyes twinkling with adoration. I smile back, and he gives me a wink before returning to his food. My stomach flips as the butterflies in there suddenly lose the plot, and quickly pulling myself together, I pick up my glass of water and take a long drink, hoping like hell it drowns the little bastards.



“Come on! It would be the perfect moment for them to kiss,” Ava insists, and I let out a groan. Because we started our paper a week late, Ava and I decided to meet in the library for the second half of lunch to catch up, but as it stands so far, we have spent more time arguing than actually working.

“Hell no,” I grumble. “They are enemies. He wants to kill her, and she wants to arrest him. It wouldn’t make sense for them to kiss.”

“Haven’t you ever heard of enemies to lovers?” She arches a brow like I should know what the hell that means. Which I do. I just don’t want to write romance, and to be truthfully honest, I’m having fun arguing with her, so I decide to play dumb.

“Why would enemies kiss?”

She rolls her eyes. “Because it’s hot! And right now, he has her pinned up against the wall. If he kissed her, imagine how intense it would be. Not to mention it would shock the hell out of the reader.”

“I could think of better ways to shock the reader.”

She narrows her eyes. “Like how?”

“He kills her. She turns into a zombie and then kills him.”

“Oh my god, now you’re just being ridiculous,” she huffs, giving me a pointed look. “What is it with you and zombies?”

I do agree for a murder mystery it is kind of ridiculous but watching her get all worked up over this is adorable. The lunch period is almost over, and we haven’t written a single word. But to be honest, I couldn’t care less. The longer it takes to finish this paper, the more time I get to spend with her.

I pretend to ponder for a moment before shrugging my shoulders. “They’re fucked up. It’s cool.”