Page 21 of Flower

A door next to the staircase swings open, and Mason steps out. I catch a glimpse of a kitchen from behind him before it closes.

“Hey.” His face lights up as he walks toward me.

“Hey.” I smile, then turn my attention back to my surroundings, completely mesmerized by everything I’m seeing.

I’m starting to wonder if this is a family of hoarders with the number of trinkets everywhere, but everything seems so organized, almost like every single item has a specific place. Mason clears his throat, and I look up at him, rubbing the back of his neck. “Um… my mom owns a shop in downtown Tacoma, and she likes to bring this stuff home.”

“Mason, this is incredible. I could spend hours looking through all this. It’s like a museum.”

He beams at me, and the kitchen door swings open. “Mason, who is here?” a red-haired woman asks as she approaches us. Her hair is up in a messy bun with fresh flowers in it—I’m guessing they are from the garden—and her long floral dress ripples around her legs as she walks.

She looks like a hippy.

“So you must be Ava, my name is Grace.” She gives me a smile and envelops me in a hug.

Taken by surprise, my body stiffens. I have not been hugged by a motherly figure since I was a child, and I’m unsure what to make of it. She smells like vanilla and has a natural warmth that is comforting, and after a moment, I relax, lightly placing my arms around her.

Mason fidgets nervously, and I glance over at him with a smile. He smiles back, shaking his head in embarrassment.

Grace releases me, then holds me out at arm’s length. “Now! Let’s take a look at you.” She looks me over then zeros in on my face. “Well, you certainly are a very beautiful girl. Strong and resilient but not arrogant. Your suffering has made you compassionate and wise beyond your years. I can see why Mason likes you.” She turns to Mason, then nods her head as if in approval, and my brows draw in as I look back and forth between them.

Is she psychoanalyzing me or something?

“Um… thank you?” I reply.

“Mom,” Mason groans, rolling his eyes. “We are going to head upstairs and get started.”

“Of course.” She smiles. “Well, make yourself at home, Ava, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Mason, please make sure you remember to offer a beverage at some point during her visit.”

“Yes, Mom,” he sighs. “I won’t let her dehydrate. I promise.”

“It was nice to meet you, Ava.” Grace smiles at me again then heads back through to the kitchen.

“Well… um, my room is upstairs.” He gestures to the staircase. “Should we head up?”

Nodding my head, I follow him up but stop midway when I hear a scream,


A little black-and-white dog dressed in a spider costume comes charging down the stairs with a cell phone in its mouth; a frantic brunette girl right behind him. “Mason! Grab him!” she screeches, and he quickly grabs one of the spider legs. I hear the sound of Velcro rip, and the little dog pops out, leaving the costume in Mason’s hand.

Luckily my reflexes are fast, and I catch him as he tries to make a mad dash past me. I pull the cell phone out of his mouth, and he happily wriggles in my arms, trying to lick my face.

“Oh, thank God,” the girl breathes a sigh of relief as she walks down to me, and I hand over her phone. “You’re Ava, right?” I nod my head, recognizing her from school. I’ve seen her in the halls and am pretty sure she is a year below me. “I’m Aliana, but you can call me Ali. Thank you for that. This phone is my life.” She clutches it to her chest.

“No problem,” I reply, placing the dog down and watching him scurry off into the living area.

We hear a loud crash, and Grace comes flying out of the kitchen and into the living area. “For the love of God, Bernie!” she cries.

Ali rolls her eyes, turning her attention away from the chaos in the other room. “I have to go finish my homework. Nice to finally meet you, Ava.” She smiles then heads upstairs.

“Should we try again?” Mason gestures to the stairs with a playful smile, and I giggle.

This house is crazy, but I absolutely love it.

“Lead the way,” I reply and follow him up.

We reach a door that leads us up another flight of stairs, and when we reach the top, it opens up into a large room that looks like an attic.