Page 19 of Flower

“Hell yeah,” she exclaims cheerfully, “I’m telling you that guy is Superman in hiding, and if anyone were to challenge Logan, it would be him.”

“What makes you say that?” I ask her.

“Well, two reasons. First, he is the only guy in school who has ever dared to stand up to Logan.”

“And second?”

“Haven’t you heard, Ava? It’s the quiet ones you’ve got to watch out for.”

* * *

When I arrive home,I head straight to my room and flop down on my queen-size bed.

Fucking Logan.

Who the hell does he think he is, declaring me off-limits? I’m starting to look forward to graduation. It’s been a good ride, but I’m ready to move on. I’m ready for Logan and me to go our separate ways. We are going to different colleges in the fall. I’m going to New York to attend NYU, and he is staying in Washington to attend UW.

Perhaps it was for the best that it ended between us now rather than dragging it out for months when we were away at college only to have the same outcome.

My phone beeps, and I pick it up, smiling when I see it’s from Mason.

Mason: I’m confused.

Me: About?

Mason: I thought this was supposed to be a romance novel?

Me: It is.

Mason: Then why did the male protagonist marry another woman?

Wow, he reads fast. We only exchanged books today, and he is already up to chapter fifteen. I’m only halfway through chapter one.

Me: He cheated on her and got that other woman pregnant.

Mason: Is this book set in the 1950s?

Me: No. It is set in the present time. Why?

Mason: Haven’t they ever heard of child support?

Me: He was trying to do the right thing. Besides, it adds more angst to the story.

Mason: It adds more unnecessary soap opera drama more like it.

Me: Keep reading. It gets better.

Mason: Well, does Lyla kill him at least?

Me: No, she doesn’t kill him

Mason: Boring

Me: Stop complaining and keep going. I promise it gets better.

Mason: Unless she kills him, and he turns into a zombie. I don’t see how this could get better.

Me: This book is notThe Walking Dead. There are no zombies