Page 12 of Flower

When our teacher Mr. Stewart walks in and proceeds to start the class, I breathe a sigh of relief that I can finally get stuck into some work that will take my mind off everything.

I ignore Mason for the rest of the class, and when it’s finished, I’m the first one out the door.

* * *

By the endof the school day, I’m wound up so tight that if there were any slack, my head would probably spin around like that poor girl fromThe Exorcist.Logan has been breathing down my neck all damn day and has insisted on following me everywhere I go. After several failed attempts at getting me to talk to him, he eventually gave up and instead chose to lurk nearby, constantly staring at me like some creeper. Needless to say, when that final bell of the day rang, I was ready to jump onto the desk and scream Hallelujah that I was finally free.

We are walking toward Lyndsey’s car when someone calls out my name. Looking behind me, I spot Logan jogging toward us and letting out a frustrated groan; I ignore him and pick up the pace. He closes in on me and grabs my arm, spinning me around to face him.

“Will you just stop for a minute?” he growls.

Ripping my arm out of his grasp, I pin him with a scathing look. “What the hell do you want?”

“We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t. I have nothing to say to you.”

“Well, I have plenty to say to you. I made a mistake. If you would just let me explain—”

“Explain what?” I cry, ready to rip my hair out in frustration over the fact that he. Just. Doesn’t. Get. It. “You cheated on me for six months. There is no coming back from this. It’s over. Now leave me the hell alone.” I turn to walk away, but he grabs my arm again.

“Goddammit, Ava! It’s not over,” he hisses, tightening his grip. “We can sort this out. I’m not letting you walk away from me over this.”

“Let me go!” I yell, trying to pull away from him.

“Logan, let her go.” Lyndsey tries to intervene by attempting to move between us, but Logan blocks her path.

“Stay out of this!” he snaps at her and starts pulling me away. “I’m taking you home. We are going to sort this out.”

Lyndsey grabs my other arm and pulls against him, causing the muscles in my shoulders to strain under the tension of being pulled in two different directions.

Twisting my arm, I manage to release myself from Logan’s grip. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” I yell at him. “Just leave me the fuck alone.”

He moves to grab me again but stops suddenly when something behind me catches his attention. Before I can see what he is looking at, a hand clamps down on my shoulder, and a tall figure pulls me behind him, placing himself in the middle of us and facing Logan head-on.

My eyes land on the back of a familiar gray tweed sweater, and when I look up to the tousled brown hair on his head, I realize it’s Mason.

“She told you to leave her alone,” Mason’s sharp tone bites out.

Peeking around the side of him, I watch Logan blink a few times, staring back at him in disbelief, before pulling himself together and letting out an amused snort, “Are you kidding me right now?” Logan snickers, shaking his head. “What the fuck do you think you are doing, man?”

“Telling you to back off and leave her alone, that’s what I’m doing,” Mason fires back, his voice controlled and assertive.

Logan’s face quickly turns sour, and he steps forward, pinning him with a menacing glare. “What areyougoing to do about it, huh?” He gives Mason’s chest a hard shove causing him to stumble backward, and Lyndsey quickly yanks me out of the way. Logan advances again, and Mason’s arms fly up, blocking Logan’s attempt to push him, then retaliates by giving his chest a hard shove back. It all happens so fast that gasps ring out as Logan falls flat on his backside on the pavement with a grunt.

Biting my bottom lip, my eyes dart to Cadence and Chelsea, who are watching with their mouths open so wide you could probably shove a baseball in there. No one has ever stood up to Logan like this before, and I am now seriously starting to fear for Mason’s life. Logan is going to kick the absolute shit out of him for this.

“You are fucking dead now, asshole,” Logan roars, jumping to his feet.

“Logan. No!” I scream.

Eric appears as he charges toward Mason, grabbing him from behind and pulling him against his chest. “Dude, chill out.”

“That fucker pushed me!” Logan spits, struggling against Eric’s hold.

“Yeah, and you pushed him first,” he replies, walking backward and taking Logan with him to create some distance.

“Are you defending that asshole?”