Page 112 of Flower

“Hell yes! And fries,” Cadence adds.

Mason throws my keys to James, and we make plans to meet at a diner on the way to Nates. As we head off in different directions, I call out to Cadence and James over Mason’s shoulder. “No baptizing my car!”

“We won’t,” she calls back. “We will christen it instead.”

“Same thing, you idiot,” I yell at her, and she howls with laughter, setting me off yet again.

I need to sober up.



After the ten pounds of grease I consumed at the diner, my alcohol-induced haze has cleared somewhat by the time we arrive at Nate’s house. The party is in full swing when we enter and keeping a tight hold of Mason’s hand, I pull him through the throngs of drunk teenagers, leading him into the kitchen.

Nate has assumed his usual role of bartender, standing at the island bench and filling up shot glasses, while Lyndsey sits on the stool looking bored out of her mind. “Hey, Hey,” Nate hollers when he sees us. “You finally arrived. Time for shots, party people.”

“No way. I’m done.” I wave him off, clutching my water bottle like it’s a life preserver and sauntering over to Lyndsey, planting a kiss on each of her cheeks. I’m very much done with drinking for the night. I’m floating on a happy buzz, and any more alcohol in my system would turn that into a very ugly night wrapped around the toilet.

“CK! How’s about it? Think you could handle the burn of this baby?” Nate holds a shot out to Mason.

“Sure, why not? One won’t hurt.” Mason shrugs, taking the shot off him.

“Alright! My man.” Nate claps him on the back, then picks up his shot, clinking it with Masons, and they both knock it back.

“Baby girl.” Eric appears, wrapping his arm around me and giving Mason a nod. “Hey, CK. You want a beer, man?”

“I’m driving.”

“Me too. One will be fine. Besides, you have to have at least one drink from the keg. It’s almost mandatory at Nate’s parties,” Eric insists and heads over to the keg, filling up several red cups and handing one to Mason.

“Hear, hear,” Nate agrees, then throws his head back and lets out a loud belch.

“That’s disgusting.” Lyndsey scowls, and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around her, slapping a kiss to her temple.

Mason slinks an arm around my waist, taking a tentative sip from his cup. “Should we find a place to perch?” I ask, looking up at him.


“Yeah.” I point toward the living room. “Find somewhere comfortable to perch while we look down on everyone making asses of themselves?”

“Sure, why not?” He smiles, and I lead him back through the crowd. Every piece of furniture that could work as a seat is taken, so we head to the living room’s back wall. Mason leans against it and wraps his arms around my waist, holding my back against his chest as we watch everyone dance.

The hairs prickle on the back of my neck, and I look around the room, spotting Lily watching us through a gap in the crowd.

What is she doing here? She never comes to parties.

Lifting her drink in salute, she cocks a brow before disappearing through the cluster of moving bodies. I still haven’t spoken to Mason about the weird conversation I had with her today, and now seems as good a time as any. But as I turn to face him, Chelsea bursts out of the crowd, her eyes bright with excitement.

“Oh my god, Ava, you have to come and check out Big Boy. He is totally wasted and getting his ass kicked by Cadence in beer pong. It’s hilarious.”

She pulls on my arm, and Mason releases my waist, linking his fingers with mine while she drags us away, only to be stopped suddenly by Lily, who appears in our path.

“Mason.” She smiles up at him sweetly. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

His grip on my hand tightens, the tension palpable by the involuntary tic of his jaw as he stares down at her.

“Ava, come on!” Chelsea tugs on my arm, oblivious to the sudden tension and forcing my attention back to her. “You don’t want to miss this.”