Page 107 of Flower

“Oh yeah, I would be praying too,” I retort. “Especially after that ride on thebig. Demon. Cock.”

Grayson and Mason both roar with laughter. Cadence shakes her head but eventually gives in and laughs along with us.

* * *

Thank God it’s Friday.Stacking my books in my locker and getting ready to leave for the day, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pull it out, swiping my finger across the screen.

Lyndsey: Waiting for you in the car, babe.

I text her back to let her know I’m on my way, then slide my phone back into my jeans pocket.

I’m riding home with my girls today. Mason has a competition tonight and is going straight from school to pick up his friend James so they can get organized for the big fight.

This is the first time I have ever been to a cage fight, and my stomach has been twisted in knots all day, not knowing what to expect. Cadence has demanded to tag along with me, insisting I need the moral support, but to be honest, I think she just likes the idea of watching topless guys pound the shit out of each other.

As I close my locker, a loud bang followed by a series of clanking erupts from behind me, and I turn around to see Grant standing in front of his locker, surrounded by an array of trash, the remaining remnants still tumbling from the open door down to his feet.

Goddammit! Why do the boys insist on doing this shit?

Several students walk past without the slightest falter to their step, doing nothing but glancing at him with indifference or chuckling in amusement at his dire situation.

People really are assholes sometimes.

This is not funny in the slightest, and I’m sure they wouldn’t be laughing if this happened to them. I make my way over and stand beside him as he looks around at the sea of trash with a look of defeat.

“Hey, Grant,” I say, giving him a sympathetic look.

“Hey, Ava.” He releases a heavy sigh.

“Here, let me help you.” I walk over and grab the trash can, pulling it back toward us and placing it next to his locker.

“No, it’s fine. You don’t need to help me.”

“It’s fine,” I insist, picking up the cans and tossing them in the garbage.

“Thanks.” He smiles sadly as we work together to clean up.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why the guys insist on doing stupid shit like this.”

“Not ready to grow up, perhaps.” He shrugs. “And you don’t have to apologize for them. This isn’t your fault.”

“It’s my fault I’ve let them get away with it for so long. I’m seriously going to kick their asses for this.”

“You really don’t have to do that,” he assures me. “There are only three weeks left of school anyway, and then I’m out of here.”

“Where are you going to college?” I ask out of curiosity.


My eyebrows lift. “Wow. That’s impressive. What are you majoring in?”

“Engineering and biological science. It’s my dream to be an astronaut one day.”

I stop and regard him for a moment. Grant Malloy has always been one of the most intelligent kids in school—borderline genius, in fact—and has snapped at my heels in calculus for the top spot all year. I always imagined he would go on to do something incredible with his intelligence. While the rest of these idiots in this school will most likely go on to do mundane jobs, he will be doing something that most people will never get to experience even once in their lifetime.

“Grant, that’s amazing. I really believe it will happen for you,” I tell him with a sincerity that lights up his face, and he gives me a shy smile.

“Thank you, Ava.”