Page 80 of A Laird's Conquest

Kat’s derriere was puce by the time he paused to caress her swollen backside. Heat radiated through his palm, and she trembled under his touch.

“Enough. I have something else in mind for ye now.” He lifted her and turned her in his arms so she sat the right way up in his lap. Or the wrong way, depending on how the matter might be viewed.

“Ouch.” Kat grimaced when her backside pressed against his plaid. “That was nice.”

He got to his feet with her in his arms and strode to the bed. He lay her across the mattress, her legs dangling over the side, then knelt between her thighs.

Kat spread her legs with a contented sigh, raising her ankles to rest them upon his shoulders.

Robbie took a few moments to feast his eyes upon her glistening cunny, already pink and wet from arousal. Her most sensitive little nubbin peeped out at him from beneath its fleshy hood, almost begging for his attention.

He had no intention of disappointing. Using his thumbs to part her outer lips, he drew the flat of his tongue the length of her sex, several long, slow strokes, just to ensure she was concentrating properly.

Kat groaned and lifted her hips. She reached for his hair and tangled her fingers in the thick strands, grinding her entrance against his mouth.

Robbie flicked the tip of her nubbin with his tongue, then took it between his lips and scraped with his teeth.

Kat let out a strangled moan and raised her hips higher. “Sweet Mother of God…” she muttered. “That feels so…so…”

He made a spear of his tongue and drove it into her, as deep as he could manage. She tasted of musk, and sweetness, and perhaps a hint of spice. It was her own unique signature scent and served to heighten every one of his own senses. All seemed louder, brighter, stronger. Every shift, every moan, every tremor that racked her slim body as pleasure grew and bloomed, all hit him with the force of a charging warhorse. He missed nothing. He was there, experiencing each shiver and ripple of delight with her, the precise moment her climax erupted.

He continued to lick and nibble and nuzzle until her moans of ecstasy subsided, then he clambered into the mattress to lay alongside her. Kat rolled onto her side to fold herself about him and reached for his plaid.

“Ye dinnae have tae do that, sweetheart,” he murmured, kissing her forehead.

“You have had your fun,” she replied tartly. “Now ’tis my turn.”

Well, since she seems so insistent…

Kat simply moved his tartan aside to reveal his engorged cock. “I was not quite sure, at first, that I particularly liked your traditional Scottish dress,” she observed, “but now I begin to see its merits.”

Robbie grinned. He had always considered this a particularly useful feature of the kilt.

Kat wrapped her small hand around the shaft and began to run her fist the length of his erection. He was rock-hard in an instant, clear liquid dribbling from the shiny crown. Kat eyed this with interest, using her thumb to smear it across the rounded head. Her actions drew more moisture from him, which she used to lubricate the entire shaft.

Robbie closed his eyes, tilted back his head, and dreamed of angels with English accents, eyes the colour of cornflowers and sleek, dark hair that felt like silk against his skin.

His heady, relaxed delight soared to greater heights of ecstasy when Kat clambered onto his chest, her back to him. She straddled him and leaned forward to take his cock in her mouth.

He prised his eyelids apart, to enjoy the glorious vision before him. Her pinkened buttocks bobbed up and down an inch from his nose. With each rise of her hips, he was treated to another view of her plump, wet cunny, her swollen nubbin, and that most dark and secret place which would bring her to the dizziest, most frenzied heights if he were to just slip a finger within…

He did so and was rewarded by a long, low moan around his cock. The vibrations were exquisite, rippling the length of his shaft and back again. He almost spent right then and there.

Almost. Not quite. He managed to dredge up some semblance of control. He would have another climax from her yet, before succumbing to his own.

He raised his shoulders a little, enough to be able to dip his tongue into her entrance again and swirl it around to savour the heady concoction of tastes and aromas which were uniquely her.

Kat jerked, paused for a moment in her ministrations to his cock. Then she cupped his balls in her free hand and started again in earnest.

They found a rhythm, rising, falling, bobbing, licking, sucking in a wicked, sensual dance that was theirs alone, moving to a silent but compelling melody, perfectly attuned.

He sank his finger deeper, added another. He twisted them inside her, dragging out more desperate moans as the friction built. She squeezed around him, thrusting, demanding more. Demanding deeper, harder, faster.

His balls lurched in her hands. It would not be long now. He could not hold back much longer. His jaw flexed in a supreme effort to suppress the inevitable, to force those extra few seconds until…

He drove his fingers as deep as he could, jabbing hard. At the same time, he caught her plump nubbin between his lips and sucked.

Kat screamed, the sound muffled by his cock in her throat. Her body convulsed. Her hips pumped hard against his hand, his mouth. She shook with the force of the storm within, caught up in the whirlwind of her climax.